luok's shitposting chamber

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i need to save this somewhere

Forward from: @bee_irl

whoaaa this is really cool

Forward from: It's levi-O-sa not levio-SA
hot little etymology of a single word but this gave me the fuel to get thru another day

this is the most roundabout advertisement i've ever seen in my life

Forward from: you win too

this is the og hk canto accent 吳卓羲 is so iconic im CHOKING
作育英才 顛覆英語新標準 永明金融神級英語會話名師! 口音純正、口碑最高 百萬考生見證5**說話技巧 全方位提升學生講英文自信心 想知永明金融點樣幫您早日準備,立即了解更多承諾保障儲蓄計劃:

daamn, what do y'all have against a little jinkus pinkus

Forward from: chronically upside down
im type a

Forward from: you win too
definitely type a

tag yourselves i'm type b

honestly though i saw a fucking "2000s kid" thing on facebook a couple days ago, and PLEASE do not let that become the new version of those obnoxious fucking 90s kid trash posts

finally a meme for me

Forward from: Me_irl

Forward from: @theTenthDoc
Ich liebe r/ich_iel

interesting that it ended up with the -n tho, makes me wonder if that happens in cognates to other masc words ending in -e in german

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