📌افعالی که با حرف اضافه By استفاده میشن:
1. Confused by
• Sentence: She was confused by the complex instructions.
• او از دستورالعملهای پیچیده گیج شده بود.
2. Caused by
• Sentence: The delay was caused by heavy traffic.
• تأخیر ناشی از ترافیک سنگین بود.
3. Guided by
• Sentence: He was guided by his mentor throughout his career.
• او در طول حرفهاش تحت راهنمایی مربیاش بود.
4. Inspired by
• Sentence: The artist was inspired by the beauty of nature.
• هنرمند از زیبایی طبیعت الهام گرفته بود.
5. Known by
• Sentence: She is known by her friends for her kindness.
• او به خاطر مهربانیاش توسط دوستانش شناخته میشود.
6. Surprised by
• Sentence: I was surprised by the unexpected news.
• من از خبر غیرمنتظره شگفتزده شدم.
7. Impressed by
• Sentence: The audience was impressed by the magician's performance.
• تماشاگران از نمایش جادوگر تحت تأثیر قرار گرفتند.
1. Confused by
• Sentence: She was confused by the complex instructions.
• او از دستورالعملهای پیچیده گیج شده بود.
2. Caused by
• Sentence: The delay was caused by heavy traffic.
• تأخیر ناشی از ترافیک سنگین بود.
3. Guided by
• Sentence: He was guided by his mentor throughout his career.
• او در طول حرفهاش تحت راهنمایی مربیاش بود.
4. Inspired by
• Sentence: The artist was inspired by the beauty of nature.
• هنرمند از زیبایی طبیعت الهام گرفته بود.
5. Known by
• Sentence: She is known by her friends for her kindness.
• او به خاطر مهربانیاش توسط دوستانش شناخته میشود.
6. Surprised by
• Sentence: I was surprised by the unexpected news.
• من از خبر غیرمنتظره شگفتزده شدم.
7. Impressed by
• Sentence: The audience was impressed by the magician's performance.
• تماشاگران از نمایش جادوگر تحت تأثیر قرار گرفتند.
مشابه همین مطالب، در فصل «حروف اضافه» مجموعه والـا تدریس شدند.