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▶️ A tranche is a common financial structure for securitized debt products, such as a collateralized debt obligation (CDO), which pools together a collection of cash flow-generating assets—such as mortgages, bonds, and loans—or a mortgage-backed security. An MBS is made of multiple mortgage pools that have a wide variety of loans, from safe loans with lower interest rates to risky loans with higher rates. Each specific mortgage pool has its own time to maturity, which factors into the risk and reward benefits. Therefore, tranches are made to divide up the different mortgage profiles into slices that have financial terms suitable for specific investors.

▶️ For example, a collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) offering a partitioned mortgage-backed securities portfolio might have mortgage tranches with one-year, two-year, five-year and 20-year maturities, all with varying yields. If an investor wants to buy a MBS, they can choose the tranche type most applicable to their appetite for return and aversion to risk. A Z tranche is the lowest-ranked tranche of a CMO in terms of seniority. Its owners are not entitled to any coupon payments, receiving no cash flow from underlying mortgages until the more senior tranches are retired, or paid off.

▶️ Investors receive monthly cash flow based on the MBS tranche in which they invested. They can either try to sell it and make a quick profit or hold onto it and realize small but long-term gains in the form of interest payments. These monthly payments are bits and pieces of all the interest payments made by homeowners whose mortgage is included in a specific MBS.

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▶️ Tranches in structured finance are a fairly recent development, spurred by the increased use of securitization to divide up sometimes-risky financial products with steady cash flows to then sell these divisions to other investors. The word tranche comes from the French word for slice.

▶️ The discrete tranches of a larger asset pool are usually defined in transaction documentation and assigned different classes of notes, each with a different bond credit rating.

▶️ Senior tranches typically contain assets with higher credit ratings than junior tranches. The senior tranches have first lien on the assets—they're in line to be repaid first, in case of default. Junior tranches have a second lien or no lien at all.

▶️ Examples of financial products that can be divided into tranches include bonds, loans, insurance policies, mortgages and other debts.

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▶️ Tranches are segments created from a pool of securities—usually debt instruments such as bonds or mortgages—that are divided up by risk, time to maturity, or other characteristics in order to be marketable to different investors. Each portion or tranche of a securitized or structured product is one of several related securities offered at the same time, but with varying risks, rewards and maturities to appeal to a diverse range of investors.

▶️ Tranche is a French word meaning slice or portion.

▶️ They are commonly found in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) or asset-backed securities (ABS).

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▶️ Asset securitization begins when a lender (or any company with loans) or a firm with income-producing assets earmarks a bunch of these assets and then arranges to sell the lot to an investment bank or other financial institution. This institution often pools these assets with comparable ones from other sellers, then establishes a special-purpose vehicle (SPV)—an entity set up specifically to acquire the assets, package them, and issue them as a single security.

▶️ The issuer then sells these securities to investors, usually institutional investors (hedge funds, mutual funds, pension plans, etc.). The investors receive fixed or floating rate payments from a trustee account funded by the cash flows generated by the portfolio of assets.

▶️ Sometimes the issuer divides the original asset portfolio into slices, called tranches. Each tranche is sold separately and bears a different degree of risk, indicated by a different credit rating.

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▶️ Asset backing refers to the total value of a company's shares, in relation to its assets. Specifically, it refers to the total value of all the assets that a company has, divided by the number of outstanding shares that the company has issued.

▶️ In terms of investments, asset backing refers to a security whose value derives from a single asset or a pool of assets; these holdings act as collateral for the security—"backing" it, in effect.

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▶️ Assume that Company X is in the business of making automobile loans. If a person wants to borrow money to buy a car, Company X gives that person the cash, and the person is obligated to repay the loan with a certain amount of interest. Perhaps Company X makes so many loans that it starts to run out of cash. Company X can then package its current loans and sell them to Investment Firm X, thus receiving the cash, which it can then use to make more loans.

▶️ Investment Firm X will then sort the purchased loans into different groups called tranches. These tranches contain loans with similar characteristics, such as maturity, interest rate, and expected delinquency rate. Next, Investment Firm X will issue securities based on each tranche it creates. Similar to bonds, each ABS has a rating indicating its degree of riskiness—that is, the likelihood the underlying loans will go into default.

▶️ Individual investors then purchase these securities and receive the cash flows from the underlying pool of auto loans, minus an administrative fee that Investment Firm X keeps for itself.

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▶️ Asset-backed securities allow their issuers to raise cash, which can be used for lending or other investment purposes. The underlying assets of an ABS are often illiquid and can't be sold on their own. So, pooling assets together and creating a financial instrument out of them—a process called securitization—allows the issuer to make illiquid assets marketable to investors. It also allows them to get shakier assets off their books, thus alleviating their credit risk.

▶️ The underlying assets of these pools may be home equity loans, automobile loans, credit card receivables, student loans, or other expected cash flows. Issuers of ABSs can be as creative as they desire. For example, asset-backed securities have been built based on cash flows from movie revenues, royalty payments, aircraft landing slots, toll roads, and solar photovoltaics. Just about any cash-producing vehicle or situation can be securitized into an ABS.

▶️ For investors, buying an ABS affords the opportunity of a revenue stream. The ABS allows them to participate in a wide variety of income-generating assets, sometimes (as noted above) exotic ones that aren't available in any other investment.

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🔵 An asset-backed security (ABS) is a type of financial investment that is collateralized by an underlying pool of assets—usually ones that generate a cash flow from debt, such as loans, leases, credit card balances, or receivables. It takes the form of a bond or note, paying income at a fixed rate for a set amount of time, until maturity.

🔵 For income-oriented investors, ABSs can be an alternative to other debt instruments, like corporate bonds or bond funds. For issuers, ABSs allow them to raise cash which can be used for lending or other investment purposes.

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▶️ Essentially, the mortgage-backed security turns the bank into an intermediary between the homebuyer and the investment industry. A bank can grant mortgages to its customers and then sell them at a discount for inclusion in an MBS. The bank records the sale as a plus on its balance sheet and loses nothing if the homebuyer defaults sometime down the road.

▶️ This process works for all concerned as long as everyone does what they're supposed to do. That is, the bank keeps to reasonable standards for granting mortgages; the homeowner keeps paying on time, and the credit rating agencies that review MBS perform due diligence.

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