Forward from: موسسه زبان کبیر
🌹 Common Mistake
🔷Travel by train, etc., NOT with the train, etc.
حرف اضافه travel به معنی سفرکردن by می باشد. هرگز از with استفاده نکنید.
❌ Don't say: He travelled with the train yesterday.
✅ Say: He travelled by train yesterday.
🎓 @englishinstitute
🔷Travel by train, etc., NOT with the train, etc.
حرف اضافه travel به معنی سفرکردن by می باشد. هرگز از with استفاده نکنید.
❌ Don't say: He travelled with the train yesterday.
✅ Say: He travelled by train yesterday.
🎓 @englishinstitute