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در خدمت علی از مهدی نامی به میان آمد، او فرمود: وی از فرزندان حسین است. وسپس صفات وی را این چنین برشمرد: او مردی پیشانی بلند وکشیده بینی است....
ابن ابی الحدید، شرح نهج البلاغه، ج ١، ص ۲۸۲
A man named Mahdi was mentioned in the presence of Imam Ali , He said : He (Mahdi) is from Hussain's children (bloodline) and then described him as a man with a long forehead and a stretched nose .
ابن ابی الحدید، شرح نهج البلاغه، ج ١، ص ۲۸۲
A man named Mahdi was mentioned in the presence of Imam Ali , He said : He (Mahdi) is from Hussain's children (bloodline) and then described him as a man with a long forehead and a stretched nose .