SC Ministry of Education

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Category: Erotic

Welcome to the official NewUU Student Council channel, directed by the Minister of Education Dilmurod Zaripov | @sceducontactbot

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⚡️Texnologik jarayonlarni boshqarishda strategik qarorlar qabul qila oladigan yosh kadrlarni tayyorlash maqsadida texnika oliygohlari huzurida 8 ta ilg‘or muhandislik maktabi ish boshladi. Joriy yilda yana 17 ta shunday maktab ochilishi rejalashtirilgan.

Tadbirkorlar yosh xodimlarni ishga qabul qilib, ularga kamida 3 million so‘m miqdorida oylik maosh to‘lasa, ijtimoiy soliq stavkasi 1 foiz etib belgilandi.

Endilikda, xorijiy tillardan “C1” darajasiga ega bo‘lgan yoshlar tashabbus ko‘rsatib, olis va chekka hududlarda chet tillariga ixtisoslashgan o‘quv markazlari ochsa, ularga 120 million so‘mgacha foizsiz ssuda ajratiladi. Shuningdek, xususiy o‘quv markazlarida xorijiy tillarni o‘rganayotgan yoshlarga xarajatlari “2+6” shaklida qoplab berilishi alohida ta’kidlandi.

Dunyoning nufuzli “Top-100” oliygohlarida ilmiy daraja olgan, 35 yoshgacha bo‘lgan yosh olimlarga uy-joy sotib olish uchun 10 yil muddatga 800 million so‘mgacha foizsiz ssuda ajratilishi belgilandi.

Toshkent davlat texnika universiteti, Axborot texnologiyalari universiteti, Kimyo-texnologiya instituti, Turin, Inha kabi jami 36 ta texnika oliygohi rektorlari sun’iy intellekt, robototexnika, dronlar, kiberxavfsizlik kabi innovatsion yo‘nalishlarda “Oliygoh kubogi” tanlovini e’lon qildi. Eng yaxshi startap loyihalari tijoratlashtirilishi ko‘zda tutilgan.

Yoshlar masalasi parlament va mahalliy Kengash deputatlari faoliyatida ham ustuvor yo‘nalishlardan biri sifatida ko‘rib chiqilishi lozimligi ta’kidlandi.

🔁 English
Faqat bitta muhim jihati shundaki, bu katta e’tibor va imkoniyatlar aynan biz, yoshlar uchun ekanini chuqur his qilgan holda, bor kuchimiz va shijoatimiz bilan ulardan to‘g‘ri hamda samarali foydalanishga intilishimiz zarur. Ana shunda, prezidentimiz ta'kidlaganlaridek, katta natijalar bizniki bo‘ladi.

SC Ministry of Education

Assalomu alaykum,
🇺🇿 Kuni kecha davlatimiz rahbari Shavkat Mirziyoyevning mamlakatimiz yoshlari bilan muloqoti bo‘lib o‘tdi. Uchrashuvda yoshlar bilan ishlashda ko‘plab imkoniyat va yo‘nalishlar muhokama qilindi.

Shu o‘rinda talabalarga taalluqli barcha xabarlarni to‘g‘ri ma’noda yetkazish maqsadida ushbu xabarnomani o‘zbek tilida yozishga qaror qildim.

Ma’lumot uchun:
Endilikda, Yoshlar agentligi xorijda o‘qiyotgan har bir talabaga bosh-qosh bo‘lib, ularning ehtiyojlarini aniqlashi, Vatanga qaytib o‘z o‘rnini topishi, muvaffaqiyatli karyera qilishi kabi masalalarda Davlat xizmatini rivojlantirish agentligi bilan teng mas’ul bo‘lishi belgilandi.

Yoshlar tadbirkorligida mutlaqo yangi davrni boshlab beradigan 3 ta katta hujjatga imzo chekkanini e’lon qildi. "Yoshlar tadbirkorligini rivojlantirish jamg‘armasi" tashkil etilib, unga 100 million dollar mablag‘ ajratilishi belgilandi.

2025-yilda O‘zbekistonda yoshlar ishsizligiga barham berish ishlari yangi bosqichga ko‘tarilishi ta’kidlandi.

🔁 English


The correct answer is:
Gelendzhik is a resort city in the Krasnodar Krai of the Russian Federation. It was founded in 1831 and was previously known as Torik, Pagra, and Yeptala. It gained city status in 1915.
Many people associate the name of the city with the Turkish word "gelinçik"
(meaning "bride"), but this is incorrect. According to V.A. Nikonov, the toponym was named by Arab travelers and originated from the word "Xelenj," which means "tree."
Another version suggests that the name comes from the local Adyghe language, specifically the word "Xulijiy," which means "small pasture."

Here are the participants who submitted the most accurate and proper solution for this quiz. 🎊

🥇Ismoilov Sardorbek SIM2
🥈Muinjonov Parvizjon FE1
🥉Boltayev Odil FED4

❕The rating above is based on response time.

Best regards
SC Education Ministry

#Question8 #daily_quiz

We will be awaiting your responses on @dailyeduquizbot by 18:00. ⏰

At the end of the day, we will announce the correct answer🏆

📝Don't forget to provide your name and group number.

Best regards,
SC Education Ministry


The correct answer is:10th guest gets the largest portion.

Here are the participants who submitted the most accurate and proper solution for this quiz. 🎊

🥇Muinjonov Parvizjon FE1
🥈Dilshodov Khasan FED4
🥉Ismoilov Sardorbek SIM2

❕The rating above is based on response time.

Best regards
SC Education Ministry

Literary Horizons: Youth, Poetry, and 'IZLAM'

⚡️Only 2 days left until an exciting event at our University!

🌟On February 15th, we invite you to a special gathering with the brilliant authors behind the "IZLAM" book collection.

Poetry Tournament Prizes:
🎁 3 Premium Accounts + Certificates for the "Mutolaa" program.
Special guests will join us to make the event even more memorable!

✨We look forward to seeing you there!

🗓 Date: February 15, 10:30 AM
📍 Venue: Conference Hall

SC Ministry of Education

#Question7 #Daily_Quiz

⚡️Here’s today’s sweet question.

We will be awaiting your responses on @dailyeduquizbot by 18:00. ⏰

📝Don't forget to provide your
name and group number.

Best regards
SC Education Ministry


The correct answer is:"If I asked your twin which path leads to safety, what would he say?"

Here are the participants who submitted the most accurate and proper solution for this quiz. 🎊

🥇Ismoilov Sardorbek SIM2
🥈Nabijonov Xondamir FED4
4. Dilshodov Khasan
5. Abdurashidov Azizbek JSE
6. Tohirov Shamsiddin
7. Saydullayev Sardor
8. Axmadov
9. Komiljonov Shukurulloh FP1
10. Botirov Sardor SED3

❕The rating above is based on response time.

Best regards
SC Education Ministry

#Question6 #daily_quiz
⚡️Welcome to the next question.

We hope it tricks your AI😅

📝Send your responses on @dailyeduquizbot by 18:00.

❕Don't forget to provide your full name and group number.

Best regards,
SC Education Ministry

#exchange_programs #reminder

❗️❗️ Reminder!
Dear students,
We’ll start the Exchange Semester Open Discussion in just 15 minutes!

⏰ Time: 13:00
📍 Venue: U.C.A, 2nd floor

Best regards,
International Affairs


Here, we provide the correct answer, as no one was able to find the correct answer in today’s quiz.

Best regards,
SC Education Ministry

769 0 2 14 13

🌍 Exchange Semester Applications Open!

⚡️Dear 2nd & 3rd-year students,
✅We call you for an Open Discussion with International Affairs for all your questions!

Time: Tomorrow, 13:00
📍 Venue: U.C.A, 2nd floor

💥Destinations: 🇩🇪 Germany | 🇰🇷 South Korea | 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan | 🇨🇳 China

📍 Econ & Management: Apply to Passau & Leipzig (no tuition, no nomination)

✨Don’t miss out!

International Affairs

📢 Reminder: Final Preparation Session for the Poetry Tournament!

Dear all,
⚡️Today is the last session of our preparation for the exciting Poetry Tournament inspired by the "IZLAM" collection!

What awaits you:
✍️ Detailed instructions on how to participate in the tournament.
📚 Review books of the "IZLAM" collection will be provided.
💌 And the most interesting part: you’ll get to write a letter to your favorite author from the collection!

⏰ Time: We start sharp at 1:00 PM
📍 Venue: MATH 108

✨Don’t miss this chance to prepare, connect, and get inspired!

SC Ministry of Education

#Question6 #Daily_Quiz

🌟Hello, dear uni fam.
📝Here’s today’s quiz question.

✨This is reminder that, this quiz is directed by Rayyona Odiljonova.💡For any problem suggestions or questions, feel free to reach out her via our bot: @dailyeduquizbot

👨‍💻Today’s question credits to: @sherzodbek_ae

Best regards
SC Education Ministry


The correct answer is:The Carnac Stones

Here are the participants who submitted the most accurate and proper solution for this quiz. 🎊
🥇 Tohir
🥈 Komiljonov Shukurulloh FP1
🥉 Dilshodov Khasan
4. Miraxmudova Mumtozabonu
5. Ismoilov Sardorbek SIM2
6. Akramov Atham FP1
7. Doniyorbekov Muhammadsodiq
8. O'rinboyev Oybek FED1
9. Orazbayev Dilshodbek
10. Ruhshona
11. Ravshanov Husniddin
12. Yoqubov Shohjahon FP1
13. Kimsanov Shahriyor FED1
14. Po'latov Sardorbek FE1
15. Dilnoza Saitqulova FED4
16. Begamov Sardorjon SME1
17. Ahmadov Mironshoh FE3
18. Sarvarbek
19. Muimjonov Parvizjon FE1

❕The rating above is based on response time.

Best regards
SC Education Ministry

Good morning, folks!
⚡️We're excited to continue our daily quiz challenges!

We will be awaiting your responses on @dailyeduquizbot by 18:00. ⏰

At the end of the day, we will announce the most accurate and best solution.🏆
📝Don't forget to provide your
name and group number.

Best regards
SC Ministry of Education

Imagine getting involved in work that is changing the world and imagine doing it before you’ve left university. Imagine working in an international environment and having a great quality of life.

🇨🇭CERN is now accepting applications for the Administrative Student Programme 2025!
⚡️This is a unique chance to do an internship at one of the world’s leading scientific organizations.

— Open to Bachelor’s students studying in relevant fields;
— Uzbekistan citizens are eligible to apply.
— 2nd year or higher.

❗️ If you are studying in a STEM/engineering field, please check out the full info about the Technical Student Programme on our Telegraph page 📝

— Tuition fees will be covered for internships lasting from 2 to 12 months;
— A monthly stipend of about $3,780;
— Travel expenses will be refunded.

📅 Deadline: March 4, 2025, at 03:59 (Tashkent time)

More Information & Application Links:
🔗 Link 1
🔗 Link 2

💥Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!

Best regards
SC Education Ministry


The correct answer is:The Fugu

Here are the participants who submitted the most accurate and proper solution for this quiz. 🎊

🥇 Abdurazzoqova Sayyora SIM2
🥈 Ismoilov Sardorbek SIM2
🥉 Begamov Sardorjon SME1
4. Doniyorbekov Muhammadsodiq
5. Nabijonov Xondamir FED4
6. Sarvarbek
7. Muzaffarov Shamsiddin FIM2
8. Alijonova Aziza
9. Qurbonboyev Islombek FE1
10. Nurmuhammedov Nuraziz
11. Sarsenbaev Qanat FAM1
12. Umarov Istamjon
13. Miraxmudova Mumtozabonu
14. Komiljonov Shukurulloh FP1
15. O'rinboyev Oybek FED1
16. Ahmadov Mironshoh FE3
17. Mirzakulova Aziza SED3
18. Ismoilov Musoxon
19. Muimjonov Parvizjon FE1
20. Salitqulova Dilnoza FED4
21. Dilshodov Khasan FED4

❕The rating above is based on response time.

Best regards
SC Education Ministry

🌟Here comes the next question;
Please submit your responses to @dailyeduquizbot by 18:00. ⏰

At the end of the day, we will announce the most accurate and best solution.🏆
📝Don't forget to provide your
name and group number.

Best regards
SC Ministry of Education


The correct answer is:The Abel Prize

Here are the participants who submitted the most accurate and proper solution for this quiz. 🎊

🥇Alijonova Aziza
🥈Ismoilov Sardorbek SIM2
🥉Nabijonov Xondamir FED4
4. Akramov Atham FP1
5. Ismoilov Musoxon
6. Mahliyo
7. Abduraxmonova Aslzoda FP1
8. Dostonbek SED5
9. Qanat Sarsenbaev FAM1
10. Khasan Dilshodov FED4
11. Nuraziz Nurmuxamedov FE2
12. O'rinbiyev Oybek FED1
13. Uralov Muxammadjon
14. Ravshanov Husniddin
15. Saitqulova Dilnoza FED4
16. Tohirov Shamsiddin FP1
17. Komiljonov Shukurulloh FP1
18. Jasurbek
19. Muinjonov Parvizjon FE1
20. Muzaffarov Shamsiddin FIM2
21. Sadullayev Nodirbek
22. Orazbayev Dilshodbek

❕The rating above is based on response time.

Best regards
SC Education Ministry

20 last posts shown.