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📚واحة الفيزياء📚

💙طور لغتك الإنجليزية🌍

👌مصطلحات التوفل✅

🌹تـ؏ــلــم اللغة العربية من البداية🌹

✅ 📎لأضـافة قناتك
✔ 09 تعلم اللغة التركية

✔ 06 🔰مصطلحات التوفل🌍

✔ 05 حرفتى الجميلة

✔ 03 🔊 التقنية بين يديك 🖥


✔ 03 📃 شروحات تقنية 💻

✔ 02 🌐 رامي درويد 📱

✔ 01 ✅ تخطي الروابط المختصرة ✅

✔ 01 محاسبون على أمل الوصول

✔ 08 🌹حــسـن الظـن باللـه🌹

✔ 08 🗣🗣Learn English with me👩🏻‍🏫

✔ 07 ⭕◥️ فيديوهات 📹 مسلسلةمفيدة

✔ 07 ﴿ مَلاذ ﴾

✔ 06 ✔️ حكم وأقوال العظماء ✔️

✔ 06 بلاغة القرآن الكريم ✨☘

✔ 05 👨‍⚕ملائكة الرحمة👩‍⚕

✔ 04 📱أفضل تطبيقات الأندرويد✅

✔ 04 Themedstudent91 💉💊🔬

✔ 03 🌹كن مع الله ولا تبالي🌹

✔ 03 منوعات عن الحياة

✔ 03 الكلام الطيب

✔ 03 عالم المعرفة 📚 معلومات مفيدة

✔ 03 تحديثات تطبيقات

✔ 0.0 🌺أقوال واقتباسات العظماء🌺

✔ 03 English Grammar Secrets

✔ 03 🧩 قَآمُـوسْ اَلْمُتَلَآزِمَــآتْـ اَللّ

✔ 04 💫غمامةُ صيف🌦

✔ 04 مصطفى حسني

✔ 04 Learn by English videos

✔ 05 🌐نشر اعلانات وتسويق منتجات🌍

✔ 05 🕋 عظماء في الاسلام 🕌

✔ 05 ✌️صمود 🇵🇸 ال̀́ۈ̀́ط̀́ن 🌿

✔ 05 Amarjy For Languages

✔ 05 نور الأسلام

✔ 05 غزل مبرمج 😍😍💚

✔ 07 🖥📱قناة تقنية المعلومات 👨🏻‍💻IT 📱🖥

✔ 08 ⚡️ أثًـرِ مفُردُٱتُـكـ ٱلإنٌجَـلـيّـزيّـة

✔ 08 آيـــه وتفــسيـرهـا 🕌

✔ 09 🤖 افضل بوتات التيليجرام 🤖

✔ 09 مطبخك علينا تسويق إلكتروني

✔ 01 *✨*Ƥracтιce Maĸeѕ Ƥerғecт*✨*

✔ 01 📱 مجتمع الأندرويد 🔋

✔ 02 🍁 حكاية صمت 🍁

✔ 03 🌐 رامي تك 🔊

✔ 03 🌐 مملكة التطبيقات 📱

✔ 03 الهندسة الكهربائية💡🔌

✔ 04 القرآن و الرقية MP3🔰

✔ 07 كنوز الحرف اليدوية

✔ 09 عالم الأندرويد | #رامي_تك 📡

✔ 13 ⭐️طور لغتك الإنجليزية⭐️

🔋الهندسة الكهربائية والإلكترونية💡

🌐نشر وتوزيع أرقام وحسابات أمريكية📲

🌹تـ؏ــلــم اللغة العربية من البداية🌹

🌝كنوز الحرف اليدوية🌝

💐 كُن راقياً 💐

🔰 أتقن اللغة الإنجليرية🔰

✅ 📎لأضـافة قناتك


🔵improve/enhance the quality

The measures will improve the quality of the water in the river.

🔵affect the quality

Lack of sleep started to affect the quality of his work.

🔵test/check/monitor the quality

The equipment is used to monitor the city’s air quality.

🔵maintain the quality

Staffing problems made it difficult to maintain the quality of the service.

🔵the quality goes up/down

I think the quality has gone down over the years.

🔵the quality suffers (=it is badly affected by something)

The picture quality suffers if the signal isn’t digital.

📙quality + NOUN

🔸quality standards

Greater investment is needed to meet the European Union’s strict quality standards.


💢#Quality /ˈkwɒləti, ˈkwɒlɪti $ ˈkwɑː-/ BrE AmE #noun
كيفية ; جودة ; خاصية ; ميزة ; صفة خاصة ; نوع ; طبيعة ; منزلة رفيعة ; خصلة

📚#Common_collocations with “quality



I was impressed that the quality of their work was so high.


The magazine is printed on low quality paper.


The T-shirts are only $10 and the quality is excellent.

🔴superior #formal (=good or better quality)

These speakers offer superior quality sound.

🔴top quality

Our chef uses only top quality ingredients.

🔴water/air quality

Scientists took samples to test the water quality.

🔴sound quality

I apologise for the poor sound quality of this recording.

🔴picture quality (also image quality)

Does this type of TV set have a better picture quality?



🔵make a profit

We are in business to make a profit.

🔵turn/earn a profit (=make a profit)

Without the liquor sales, the store could not turn a profit.

🔵show a profit (=make a profit)

The business will not show a profit this year.

🔵report/post a profit (=officially announce a profit)

The company reported net profits of $3.6 million for fiscal year 2006.

🔵generate profit(s)

We have the capacity to generate more profit.

🔵boost profits (=make them increase)

They aim to boost profits by slashing costs.

🔵maximize profits (=make them as big as possible)

Every firm tries to maximize its profits.

🔵profits are up/down

Pre-tax profits were up 21.5%.

🔵profits rise/increase/grow

Half of the firms surveyed expected profits to rise.

🔵profits soar/leap (=increase by a large amount)

🔵profits fall

The group saw profits fall from £24m to £17.8m.

🔵profits slump/plunge (=fall by a large amount)

The group’s pre-tax profits slumped to £25.5m.


💢#Profit /ˈprɒfət, ˈprɒfɪt $ ˈprɑː-/ BrE AmE #noun
الفائدة ; ثمرة ; كسب ; ربح ; مكسب ; نفع ; فائدة ; عائدة ; الفرق بين سعر الشراء و سعر البيع

📚#Common_collocations with “profit


🔴a big/huge profit

Drug companies make huge profits.

🔴a quick profit (=happening quickly)

They were only interested in a quick profit.

🔴a good profit

There is a good profit to be made in selling cars.

🔴a substantial profit

The agent then sells the land for a substantial profit to someone else.

🔴a healthy/handsome/tidy profit (=big)

By the second year, the restaurant began to make a healthy profit.

🔴a small/modest profit

The business managed to produce a small profit last year.

🔴net profit (=after tax and costs are paid)

The company made a net profit of $10.5 million.

🔴gross profit (also pre-tax profit) (=before tax and costs are paid)

The hotel group made a gross profit of £51.9 million in 2008.

🔴trading/operating profit (=profit relating to a company’s normal activities)

Both turnover and operating profits were lower.


💢#Professional /prəˈfeʃənəl/ BrE AmE #adjective
مهني ; احترافي ; محترف ; حرفي محترف ; المشتغل بمهنة حرفية

📚#Common_collocations with “professional


🔸professional advice

Everyone considering buying a house should seek professional advice.

🔸professional help

It is very important for parents to get professional help if this problem arises.

🔸professional qualifications

Many of the courses lead directly to professional qualifications.

🔸professional training

All the charity’s workers are volunteers, without professional training.

🔸professional standards

The Law Society’s function is to maintain the highest professional standards.

🔸a professional body/association (=organization that people from a particular profession can belong to)

Is your architect a member of a professional body?

🔸a professional career

After retiring from sport, he began his professional career as a journalist.

🔸sb’s professional life

At this point she took the biggest risk of her professional life.


📚واحة الفيزياء📚

💙طور لغتك الإنجليزية🌍

👌مصطلحات التوفل✅

✅ 📎لأضـافة قناتك


🔴effective/efficient method(=giving the result you want)

Some methods are more effective than others.

🔴reliable method(=likely to give the result you want)

We need a more reliable method of predicting earthquakes.

🔴suitable method

No single method is suitable for all occasions.

🔴a teaching method

Neill had considerable influence over modern teaching methods.

🔴a farming method

Farming methods have changed a lot over the last 100 years.

🔴the usual method

The usual method of investing in a company is by buying shares in it.

🔴the traditional method (=the usual method)

Farmers are being encouraged to return to more traditional methods of farming.

🔴modern methods (=methods used now, but not in the past)

Modern methods of solving crime depend a lot on forensic evidence.

🔴the scientific method (=the usual way of finding out information in science, which involves testing ideas in experiments)

It is sometimes difficult to apply the scientific method to subjects such as sociology or psychology.

🔴an alternative method (=a method that is different than the usual one)

Try to use alternative methods of transport, such as cycling or taking the bus.


💢#Method /ˈmeθəd/ BrE AmE #noun
منهج ; طريقة ; نظام ; أسلوب

📚#Common_collocations with “method


🔵use a method (also employ a method formal)

Which payment method do you use when travelling?

🔵adopt a method (=start using a new method)

Quite a few companies adopted Japanese business methods.

🔵devise a method (=invent a method)

Scientists have devised a method of recycling contaminated oil.

🔵outline a method (=describe a method in a few words)

This leaflet outlines the methods that are available to you.



🔵have/take/adopt an attitude

Not everyone takes a positive attitude towards modern art.

🔵sb’s attitude changes

As you get older, your attitude changes.

🔵an attitude exists

This attitude no longer exists in the church.

🔵sb’s attitude hardens (=they feel less sympathy and they want to be stricter or firmer)

People’s attitudes towards drugs offenders have hardened.


💢#Attitude /ˈætətjuːd, ˈætɪtjuːd $ -tuːd/ BrE AmE #noun
طريقة ; وضع جسماني ; سلوك ; موقف

📚#Common_collocations with “attitude



a lazy student with a bad attitude


A positive attitude is essential if you want to be successful.
Many teenagers have a very negative attitude towards cooking.


On Bali, there is a healthier, more relaxed attitude to life.

🔴favourable (=having a good opinion of something or someone)

Older people tend to have a favourable attitude to the police.

🔴critical (=showing you disagree with or disapprove of someone or something)

People’s attitude towards US foreign policy has become increasingly critical.

🔴ambivalent (=not sure if you approve of something)

The public have a rather ambivalent attitude towards science.

🔴cavalier (=very careless, especially about something serious or important)

his cavalier attitude to the truth

🔴patronizing/condescending (=showing that you think you are more important or intelligent than someone)

complaints about patronizing attitudes towards women

🔴aggressive/hostile (=showing anger)

Their attitude suddenly became more aggressive.

🔴public attitudes/people’s attitudes

Public attitudes have changed.

🔴political attitudes

a survey of people’s political attitudes

🔴mental attitude

There is a strong connection between health and mental attitude.

🔴sb’s whole attitude

His whole attitude seemed different.

🔴the general attitude

His general attitude to our situation was unsympathetic.


💢#Article /ˈɑːtɪkəl $ ˈɑːr-/ BrE AmE #noun [countable]
بند ; مادة ; مقالة ; سلعة ; صنع ; أداة تعريف

📚#Common_collocations with “article

📙NOUN + newspaper

🔸a newspaper article

He writes newspaper articles in the Guardian.

🔸a magazine article

The couple talked frankly about their joy at having a new baby in a magazine article published yesterday.

🔸a feature article (=one about a particular subject)

I wrote a few feature articles on sporting events.


🔴a good/excellent/interesting article

There was an interesting article on Russia in the paper today.

🔴the leading/lead article (=the main article)

Look at this leading article from Newsweek’s business section.

🔴a front-page article

The protest followed a front-page article in the Herald three weeks ago.

🔴an in-depth article (=one that is detailed)

Each issue contains in-depth articles and photographs.


🔵write/do an article

The Times have asked me if I will do an article on the election.

🔵read/see an article

It was good to see such an intelligent article on censorship.

🔵publish/carry/run an article (=print it in a newspaper or magazine)

The magazine carried an article on the dangers of being overweight.

🔵an article appears in a newspaper/magazine

A couple of articles appeared in local papers, but nothing else.


📕adjectives/NOUN + truth

🔴the whole/full truth

Investors should have been told the whole truth.

🔴the simple/plain/naked truth (=the truth, with nothing added, left out, or hidden)

The simple truth is that there isn’t enough money to pay for it.

🔴the sad/painful truth (=something that is true but that you regret)

She still misses him, and that’s the sad truth.

🔴the awful/terrible/dreadful etc truth

She could not bring herself to tell them the awful truth.

🔴the honest truth (=used to emphasize that you are telling the truth)

We never came here to steal anything, and that’s the honest truth.

🔴the gospel truth (=the complete truth)

Don’t take everything she says as the gospel truth.


💢#Truth /truːθ/ BrE AmE #noun
حق ; صدق ; حقيقة ; صحة ; في الحق ; في الواقع

📚#Common_collocations with “truth


🔵tell the truth

It's better to tell the truth.

🔵speak the truth

He always spoke the truth, whether it was popular or not.

🔵know the truth

At last I knew the truth about my father’s death.

🔵find out/discover/uncover the truth

She was determined to find out the truth.

🔵learn the truth

When she learns the truth, she may decide to help us.

🔵get at/to the truth #informal (=discover the truth)

The police will eventually get to the truth of the matter.

🔵reveal the truth

She’d promised never to reveal the truth.

🔵accept/admit the truth

Our pride kept us from admitting the truth.

🔵be/come close to the truth

The book comes a little too close to the truth for their liking.

🔵get the truth out of somebody (=make someone tell you the truth)

I’ll get the truth out of her, whatever it takes!


💢#Serious /ˈsɪəriəs $ ˈsɪr-/ BrE AmE #adjective
جدِّي ; خطير ; رزين ; ذو بال ; رصين ; مهم ; فظ ; وقور

📚#Common_collocations with “serious


🔸a serious problem

Vandalism is a serious problem in the area.

🔸a serious injury/illness

The driver was taken to hospital with serious injuries.

🔸a serious accident

He is recovering from a serious accident.

🔸serious damage

The explosion sparked a fire which caused serious damage to their flat.

🔸a serious threat

In the developed world, over-consumption is now a serious threat to health.

🔸a serious crime/offense

Kidnapping is a serious crime.

🔸serious trouble

The economy was in serious trouble.

🔸serious consequences

Neglecting to make a proper will can have serious consequences.



🔵plant a forest

Large areas of forest have been planted.

🔵clear a forest (=cut down and remove the trees)

Huge areas of forest have been cleared since 1960.

🔵cut down a forest

The forest was cut down to make way for housing.

🔵be covered in forest

The mountain slopes were covered in forest.

📙forest + NOUN

🔸a forest fire

Forest fires have broken out across the region.

🔸the forest floor (=the ground in a forest)

The forest floor was carpeted with leaves.

🔸the forest canopy (=the area at the top of the trees)

He could see the sky through the gaps in the forest canopy.

🔸forest management (=controlling the way a forest grows and is used)

The main aim of forest management is timber production.


💢#Forest /ˈfɒrəst, ˈfɒrɪst $ ˈfɔː-, ˈfɑː-/ BrE AmE #noun [uncountable and countable]
أجَمَة، أَحراج، حِراج، حَرَج، حَرَجَة، حُرش، دِيسَة، غابَة، غَيضَة

📚#Common_collocations with “forest


🔴a thick/dense forest (=with trees that are growing close together)

The country we passed through was once thick forest.

🔴a pine/beech/birch etc forest

A narrow path led through the pine forest.

🔴a tropical forest (=in tropical areas of the world)

South East Asia’s topical rain forests

🔴a deciduous forest (=with trees that lose their leaves in winter)

a deciduous forest of red oak trees

🔴a coniferous forest (=with pine or fir trees)

We entered a dark coniferous forest.

🔴virgin forest (=forest that has not been used or changed by people)

Here virgin forest remains that is at least a thousand years old.

🔴a primeval forest (=forest which has existed since ancient times)

One of Europe’s last areas of primeval forest is threatened with destruction.



🔴an important decision

My father made all the important decisions.

🔴a big decision (=an important decision)

Marriage is a big decision.

🔴a major decision (=very important)

The government now has some major decisions to make.

🔴a difficult/hard/tough decision

In the end I took the difficult decision to retire early.

🔴a good decision

It was a good decision to change the name of the product.

🔴a bad decision

I think he made a bad decision.

🔴the right decision

She chose to study Engineering and it was definitely the right decision.

🔴the wrong decision

I thought I'd made the wrong decision marrying Jeff.

🔴a conscious/deliberate decision (=one that you have thought about clearly)

Belinda had made a conscious decision to have a baby.

🔴a clear/firm decision (=a definite one)

It's now time to come to a clear decision on this.

🔴a final decision (=one that will not be changed)

The council will make a final decision in four months.

🔴a snap decision (=one that you make extremely quickly)

Police officers often have to make snap decisions on how to act.

🔴a controversial decision (=that people disagree about)

The history of the law is full of controversial decisions.

🔴a hasty decision (=one that you make without enough thought)

Don't let yourself be forced into making hasty decisions.

🔴a joint decision (=one that two people make together)

Jo and I made a joint decision that we should separate.

🔴a collective decision (=one that a number of people make together)

Society should take collective decisions about individual rights and responsibilities.


💢#Decision /dɪˈsɪʒən/ BrE AmE #noun
قرار ; حسم ; حكم ; فصل ; قضاء ; القرار ; تقرير

📚#Common_collocations with “decision


🔵make a decision

I want to think about it a bit longer before I make a decision.

🔵take a decision #British_English (=make an important or formal decision)

I fully accept the decision taken by the committee.

🔵reach/come to/arrive at a decision (=make a decision after a lot of thought)

We hope they will reach their decision as soon as possible.

🔵regret a decision (=wish you had not made a particular decision)

I was already regretting my decision to go on holiday with him.

🔵reconsider a decision (=think about changing a decision you have made)

He said he wasn't prepared to reconsider his decision.

🔵reverse a decision (=change a decision)

They want him to reverse his decision to quit.

🔵overrule/overturn a decision (=officially change a decision by another person or group)

A director of the company had overruled that decision.

🔵postpone a decision (=not make a decision until later)

The government has postponed its decision about when to hold the election.


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