آپدیت جدید برای autobrr
New Features
1fbf3c8: feat(filter): add rejection on invalid size set (#991) (@)
c361f23: feat(http): improve error handling (#1006) (@)
90b5cc9: feat(transmissionbt): implement reannounce and max active rules (#708) (@)
72bb2dd: feat(web): fullscreen view for irc announce logs (#994) (@)
8d20d2c: feat(web): improve irc view (#989) (@)
32ffc87: feat(web): use svg logo instead of png (#970) (@)
Bug fixes
bc823f9: fix(actions): replay watch dir and exec cmd (#1000) (@)
1637c62: fix(downloadclient): could not delete (#1020) (@)
56d3603: fix(filters): could not delete with postgres (#1021) (@)
fb4652f: fix(indexers): danishbytes update irc (#1013) (@)
2dd89ec: fix(indexers): nebulance regex pattern (#1015) (@)
8721ab6: fix(irc): urlencode SSEKey for SSE streams (#990) (@)
5cdf68b: fix(logs): release rejections cap line length at 1KB (#997) (@)
cb4c29d: fix(releases): bad postgres fk migration (#1022) (@)
e6f3259: fix(releases): delete older than X (#993) (@)
6c2f3a4: fix(web): set theme before app loads (#1017) (@)
2358ea1: fix(web): view button alignment in irc settings (#1011) (@)
Other work
daa4bf9: chore(deps): update build and packages (#1009) (@)
a5e0528: chore(web): add ignore pattern to eslint for the unused-vars rule (#965) (@)
c7ec937: chore(web): relocations and cleanups (#957) (@)
c587c07: chore(web): update package.json and pkgs (#988) (@)
12f49b7: chore: update pkg (#999) (@)
Full Changelog:
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