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The Greatest Sportsball Game Ever Played on Cable ( Recorded on my TiVo)

We’re in the 2nd and a quarter inning in the game between the Leviv Piglets and the Moscow Cubs. A-Rod scored another touchdown for the Pigglets at homeplate, however he has not completed enough gym battles to evolve his 9 Iron “McGregglet” and has therefore been sent back to the bench, leaving Tom Brady to complete the final cooking challenge on his own, against master pastry chef Snoopdog, who was recently traded to the Moscow Cubs for 50 billion. The Moscow Cubs however took a yuge loss in the 2 and 1/32 quarter inning when Alexander Dugin lost his favorite marbles in battle against Bill Kristol, reducing his ELO rating from 2100 to 70. As a result of this loss, the game master killed someone dear to him, his own daughter.

Dugin has been a rather obscure figure known only in Altright circles until the recent game between the Pigglets and the Cubs. A month ago I noticed a Bill Kristol was huffing and puffing about his influence over Putin over at his little insider news site, The Dinghy (or The Bulwark) whatever it’s called. It’s a refuge for Trotskyites NeoConservatives, after his golden child the weekly standard went tits up during the Kushner Trump years. It’s the Foward a la John Bolton and often gives insight into what Mittens and Mitch have in store for us.

This smells of the CIA and there most certainly will be retaliation.

Corporate sponsored immigration has left Dublin without any opportunity for Irishmen in their 20’s and 30’s; the city has effectively lost it’s soul and folk. If the city is ever repopulated by the Irish, it will bring about something entirely new and different. Like the Cockney culture of London, once it’s dead, you can’t authentically bring it back, culture is a living thing.

It really put in to perspective how bad the housing crisis is here in Dublin, shitskins being put up by the government and the Irish being left to fend for themselves, yet again. Most disturbing of all, was the homeless population, it was almost entirely Irish, most of whom were elderly. Despite this colonization of Ireland by ZOG corporations and the massive boom in tech and service industries, there are almost no young Irish Adults to be seen. In Dublin it was common to see young children under 18, and very few of working or college age.

It’s been a long hiatus, but I’m back from an irl vacation.

And on my journey I saw great wonders, including the Emerald Isle. I can confirm this is where all lawnmowers go when they die. It’s a most beautiful country and here the rural communities are still active and productive. Ireland hasn’t suffered the level of decline you get in places like Maine and Vermont. Where the fishing and dairy industries respectively are constantly under attack from both environmental groups and corporate competitors, in addition to developers and urban freaks who drive up taxes and property values till their professions are unsustainable.

But I have noticed quite a bit that’s disturbing as well. Dublin for one has changed dramatically from the way it was when my mother visited in the late 80’s.

Right now it’s full of scab workers; this list goes in a descending order: Brazilians, Indians, South Americans, coolies, and worst of all niggers.

This trend follows what’s been happening to white collar America over the past decade, direct hiring from India and China, to undercut Aryan workers. Unsurprisingly, American corporations have a foothold here and have since Ireland invited them in starting in the 80’s. Now this globalist ‘free market’ policy is coming to fruition.

8/10 people you see on the street aren’t Irish in Dublin. All I fucking heard was Spanish and Portagee from both tourists and wetback employees. The hotel I stayed in was also trafficking scab workers from South America, bringing in dozens in the middle of the night from god knows where.

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I hope you liked my retelling of this classic Aboriginal folk story.

Made sure to read this to your kids, so they recite it in school in front of that one token abbo kid.

Once upon a time, there was a monkey named Abu who lived in a big tree over the great ocean.

One day, Abu wanted to get deez nuts hanging off a far branch, where all the other monkeys wouldn’t go, because they looked juicy and tender and were probably salty. So Abu went out to the far branch and he tugged and tugged until it cracked! Abu realized he had put all his might into it and had cracked the branch he was standing on!

Abu and the branch fell into the ocean and floated away from Le big monke tree called Aiwa. Soon papua new guinea was out of sight and a new land emerged as he floated on his branch. Excited Abu made happy monke noises “Ouohoweoe!!!” and this became the name he gave to this land, the Abbo name for Australia. As he picked himself up on shore, he remembered the branch that had both sent him on his fall and saved him. he picked it up, and used his gross long yellow fingernails to carve a beautiful stick. This stick was the first invention, out of respect for Abu’s creation, Abbos have not invented anything since. Abu then made his stick hollow and blew into it, creating the first diddlydoo or whatever to call his fellow monkies to join him in this land. Since Abu was the first monke dwell in this new land, he decided to name his people Abbos or followers of Abu.

I’m such a nice person

I thought it would be nice to honor Clarance Thomas in his family’s native tongue, Gullah.

Weh de chile da, wa bon fa be de Jew people king? We beena see de staa wa tell bout um een de east, an we come fa woshup um op."

- Clarance Thomas

I got suspicious after watching the video and hearing two shots in 4 seconds. That would be a very quick reload time for an unruly slamfire.

Here we can see the real culprit. What appears to be a homemade side by side blunderbuss that looks like a Howdah. With two wires entering the rear of the barrel. and connecting under past the trigger assembly to what appears to be batteries.

I suspect that this contraption was muzzle loading and that the powder, wad, and projectile were packed till in contact with the wiring at the back. Basically a cannon with batteries for a primer. Makes sense if you can’t get access to ammunition in your country, let alone guns.

dumb journos

After watching the video and seeing the gun, it’s definitely not a slamfire.

Just wanted to let everyone know, my dick did not fall off because I wasn’t quadruply vaxed.

I’m sure everyone will appreciate future phlegm updates

Been feeling like shit lately and I’ve gotten through about the worst sore throat imaginable, it peaked two days ago. Took a stupid covid test and low and behold, I have Zipperhead lab disease.

Made it all this way to get sick at the end. It’s the 6th day and my phlegm/catarrh is nolonger neon green, it’s coming around to a mellow yellow. I’m sure if I look long enough I’ll see this staring back:

can’t believe there’s a app called Growlr , you think it’d be a place where you’d post about taking a good shit.

Returning to the fruity doughnut wrangler; looks like he’s legally fucked.

Under Florida law, a claim of not knowing the true age of a minor with whom someone has a sexual encounter is not grounds for a legal defense. Also under Florida law, a minor under the age of 18 cannot legally consent to a sexual encounter with someone older than 24. Parson, who retired from the D.C. police force in 2020, was 56 at the time of his arrest.

Basically what every predator tries to use as an excuse. Such large age gaps are the norm among faggots, because it’s really just pedophilia.

A slamfire shotgun btw is two metal tubes that nestle, with a home made firing pin at the back (a nail).

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