بیاید با چند تا لغت جدید آشنا شیم:
Old Ted: That was the plan, anyway. Over the next few weeks,
Marshall went on a lot of interviews.
Marshall: You are confident, you are
energetic, you are
Old Ted: A lot of interviews.
Marshall: You are
flexible on salary, you're willing to
compromise, you're not gonna cry this time.
Old Ted: Too many interviews.
Marshall: You are sad, you are
beaten down, you will
get through this, come home, get in your big underpants, and
take a nap.
🖌 energetic == پر انرژی
🖌 focused == متمرکز
🖌 flexible == منعطف
🖌 compromise == سازش کردن
🖌 beaten down == شکست خورده🖌 get through == از پس کار بر آمدن🖌 take a nap == چرت زدن
🎬(S4-E02)Source: How I Met Your Mother🎬سوپر گروه تست هلپر: