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PCAimHealthIndicator (PCAHI)

It adds a health indicator like on PC when aiming

You can change on settings if you want it work only when free aiming and disable it on lockon or use it both free aim and lockon


ClassicPostFX beta

A mod that aims to restore removed post processing effects on mobile

Currently this mod restore:

- SpeedFX - blur effect when driving or activating nitro effect.

- HeatHaze - heat wave effect on screen.

- UnderWaterRipple - wave/distortion effect when on underwater.

- Radiosity - this effect boost the highlight or brightest part on screen, a sort of bloom.

- Grain - adds noise effect for infrared, night vision and rain.

- Moonphases - restore moonphases like on PS2.

- hyshii

- skygfx (by aap)

- This mod is in Beta and may have some bugs and glitches.
- heathaze and underwaterRipple effect is still not complete.



This is a port of some VehFuncs functions and some from model extras
I also added trailer lights inspired by cheeseburgermodder

Add the car models you want to have trailer lights on trailerlights.dat located on data folder note that you need a trailer that is adapted to this you can get it on the Cleo version of trailer lights by cheese or you can make your own

Added Features
Autopilot (you can add the vehicle model id on autopilot.dat in order to have the vehicle an autopilot)
also enable it on the config cause it was disabled on default

FogLights (swipe left the horn button to activate and deactivate)

- When you've downloaded a car mod that's adapted to IVF lights, there should be "vehiclelights" and "vehiclelights_on" textures inside of its .txd file(s)
- Rename those according to the .dff file that it is provided with (For example: If the .dff file is "admiral.dff", then rename those two textures to "admiralvehiclelights" and "admiralvehiclelights_on"
- Now, move them to "/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files/texture/avf/vehiclelights/(HERE)". If there's no "vehiclelights" folder in there, make one!

It will only work on ImVehFt and VehFuncs adapted vehicles
Use the latest AML APK and must have latest SAUtils Installed


JuniorDjjr - VehFuncs
Grinch - ModelExtras
Cheeseburger - TrailerLights
Pandagaming - Android Port & Improvements

AVF 1.5

AVF 1.0

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Added Insects effects on the lampposts when night time

LampPostInsect V1.0
مربوط به پست بالا👆

نسخه جدید موزیک پلیر اومد، حالا میتونید با نسخه Unprotected استفادش کنید.
فایل بزودی ارسال میشه...

نه داش ما که این حرفا رو نداریم...🏳️‍🌈🥰


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سی جی بیرحم😈

سال ۲۰۲۵ مبارک

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Cop Vehicle Speaker for PC/Mobile

If you don't have idea what this mod does, here's the preview

Kendl New Looks / ظاهر جدید کندل

Texture Author / سازنده های تکسچر:
Navetsea, Rockstar / راک‌استار, Me / خودم (wasd$)

DFF model Author / سازنده های مدل:
Unknown / نامشخص

Enjoy / لذت ببرید


GTA V Weapon Sounds Pack For Mobile Update!

Updated [12/12/2024]
- Better And Quality Gun
Sounds! / کیفیت بهتر صدای اسلحه ها
- Vanilla Friendly So You Can Use This Without V Weapon Animation / این ماد با بازی اصلی هم خوبه پس شما میتوانید اینو بدون v Weapon Animation استفاده کنید
- Sounds Are Ripped
Straight Out Of Gta V's Game Files / صدا ها دقیقا از فایل بازی جی‌تی ای وی بدست اومدن

Credits / تشکر از
• Blade - Fixes + Improvements And Ported To Mobile
• Arturo Cassanovas - Assault Rifle, Micro Smg, Smg Reload Sounds
• FireBlast98 - Pistol, Minigun, And Pistols Sounds

Thanks For Downloading! / ممنون برای دانلود

Dms Are Always Open For Requests! / کامنت های همیشه باز هستن برای درخواست ها

Crazy update

Taxi Transport Update!

Updated [11/23/2024]
- Added guide text on entering a taxi.
- CJ can speak now when requesting actions.
- Destination inside of Area 69 is now prohibited.
- CJ will now enter in the rear seat instead of the front seat.
- Fixed an issue where the DistLimit option is not working properly.
- Fixed an issue where the NPCs inside interiors having abnormal behavior.
- Added an error measure if the GPS plugin is not installed on Mobile version.
- Calling taxi radius is now reduced to avoid conflict with other taxi vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where the cancel timer is still counting as CJ is entering the taxi.
- Fixed incompatibility issue with Drug Dealing & Prop Interaction mod on Mobile version.
- Fixed an issue where the taxi keeps stationary if the target blip is far away from the destination.
- Added an option to spawn taxi nearby every time the player gets into a hospital or police stations (Enabled by default).

Gang War Music Update!

Updated [11/23/2024]
- Added PC version.
- You can now add more 5 music at the total of 10 music!
- MaxNumMusic option has been removed and it is now automatic if the audio file is detected.

Wanted Music & Evade SFX Update!

Updated [11/23/2024]
- Added PC version.
- You can now add more 5 music at the total of 10 music!
- MaxNumMusic option has been removed and it is now automatic if the audio file is detected.

Drug Dealing Update!

Updated [11/23/2024]
- Fixed incompatibility issue with Taxi Transport.

Taxi Transport for PC/Mobile

• Requires •
- Modloader
- CLEO 4 Library
- GPS Redux
Mobile: (AML)
- GPS Plugin
- IniFiles

Stay Death While in Vehicle for PC/Mobile

• Requires •
- Modloader
- CLEO 4 Library
- Real Traffic Fix
Mobile: (AML)
- NPC Car Physics Fix

Custom Vehicle & Zone Text for Mobile Update!

Updated [11/19/2024]
- Fixed incompatibility issues with Drug Dealing & Emmet Assistance mod.

Drug Dealing for Mobile Update!

Updated [11/19/2024]
- Client offer prices increased by 5%
- Buying drugs is now disabled on missions.
- Fixed incompatibility issue with Prop Interaction mod.
- Fixed an issue where the clients gets teleported underneath the ground.
- Money counter will now display after the deal animation for Pick Up Quantity Text mod.
- Fixed an issue where the sell button is overlapping with interact button on crane, arcade, consoles and betting machines

Pick Up Quantity Text for Mobile Update!

Updated [11/19/2024]
- Fixed an issue where ammo counter is being replaced with money counter at certain times.

20 last posts shown.