✅➡️Correct Answer -
🔠 Motile gram-negative
• Legionella is a gram-negative, non-capsulated coccobacillus which
is motile by polar or subpolar Flagella.
Legionella causes the following infections
A) Pulmonary infections
There are two types of pulmonary infections:-
1. Pontiac Fever: It is self-limiting flu-like illness with incubation period 24-48 hours.
There is no pneumonia.
2. Legionnaires Disease:
• t is atypical pneumonia with an incubation period of 2-10 days.
• It is characterized by cough. chest pain, hemoptysis, high-grade
fever, diarrhoea, confusion, 'relative bradycardia and hyponatremia
• If the onset of symptoms occurs within 10 days of discharge from the
hospital, nosocomial legionnaire's disease should be suspected.
Extrapulmonary infections
• The most common site of infection is theheart (myocarditis/pericarditis/endocarditis).
✅➡️Correct Answer -
🔠 Motile gram-negative
• Legionella is a gram-negative, non-capsulated coccobacillus which
is motile by polar or subpolar Flagella.
Legionella causes the following infections
A) Pulmonary infections
There are two types of pulmonary infections:-
1. Pontiac Fever: It is self-limiting flu-like illness with incubation period 24-48 hours.
There is no pneumonia.
2. Legionnaires Disease:
• t is atypical pneumonia with an incubation period of 2-10 days.
• It is characterized by cough. chest pain, hemoptysis, high-grade
fever, diarrhoea, confusion, 'relative bradycardia and hyponatremia
• If the onset of symptoms occurs within 10 days of discharge from the
hospital, nosocomial legionnaire's disease should be suspected.
Extrapulmonary infections
• The most common site of infection is theheart (myocarditis/pericarditis/endocarditis).