فريق طبي بقيادة الاخصائي الدكتور حيدر الهاشمي جراحة الوجه والفكين وطبيب التخدير د.ستار الموسوي ينجح في ازالة ورم خبيث في الخد وممتد الى قاعدة الجمجمه
Case of the week
A 47 years old female patient attend my clinic complaining from bleeding and trismus due to large tumor invading the cheek .she underwent to previous surgery but without benefit ( biopsy was Lipoma ) .
Ct scan show large tumor in the right side of the cheek extending to the maxilla ,mandible and base of the skull (infratemporal fossa ) . Biopsy was taken and the result was (mucoepidermoid carcinoma ).
Treatment plan was Composite resection for the tumor involving the cheek ,mandible ,maxilla and infra temporal fossa tumor.
neck dissection for level 1-6 was done
Reconstruction of remaining defect was done by Bi_pedicled pectoralis major myocutaneous flap .
"مدكو ستور، المتجر الأكبر للألبسة و السكرابات الطبية في العراق"
Case of the week
A 47 years old female patient attend my clinic complaining from bleeding and trismus due to large tumor invading the cheek .she underwent to previous surgery but without benefit ( biopsy was Lipoma ) .
Ct scan show large tumor in the right side of the cheek extending to the maxilla ,mandible and base of the skull (infratemporal fossa ) . Biopsy was taken and the result was (mucoepidermoid carcinoma ).
Treatment plan was Composite resection for the tumor involving the cheek ,mandible ,maxilla and infra temporal fossa tumor.
neck dissection for level 1-6 was done
Reconstruction of remaining defect was done by Bi_pedicled pectoralis major myocutaneous flap .
"مدكو ستور، المتجر الأكبر للألبسة و السكرابات الطبية في العراق"