♒️ ساده بگو خب، چرا پيچيده؟
▫️یکی از سوالات مرسوم در امتحان آیلتس، موضوع مربوط به WORK هست که برای پاسخگویی به این نوع سوالات اولین مسئله استفاده از Phrase های مرتبط به موضوع و همچنین استفاده از گرامر جهت نشان دادن قابلیت خود تو این بخشه.
⚪️ Examiner: If there are a limited number of jobs available who should be given priority, young people or older people with more experience?
▫️Candidate: Things are so different these days … a few years ago older employees would often take early retirement or go onto part-time contracts and there were always opportunities for younger people but now jobs are so scarce… I think younger people need to be given the chance whenever possible…
⚪️ Examiner: What are some of the important things a candidate should find out before accepting a job?
▫️Candidate: Well… you’d need to know about your area of responsibility… and your salary of course and then there are things like holiday entitlement … maternity or paternity leave… if you’re thinking of having children… and what the situation is regarding sick leave … that kind of thing…
⚪️ Examiner: What are the advantages of having your own business rather than working for someone else?
▫️Candidate: Well … unfortunately being an employee at the moment is very stressful … people have very heavy workloads … they’re always under pressure to meet deadlines … running your own business isn’t easy … but I do think it would be far more satisfying…
▫️یکی از سوالات مرسوم در امتحان آیلتس، موضوع مربوط به WORK هست که برای پاسخگویی به این نوع سوالات اولین مسئله استفاده از Phrase های مرتبط به موضوع و همچنین استفاده از گرامر جهت نشان دادن قابلیت خود تو این بخشه.
⚪️ Examiner: If there are a limited number of jobs available who should be given priority, young people or older people with more experience?
▫️Candidate: Things are so different these days … a few years ago older employees would often take early retirement or go onto part-time contracts and there were always opportunities for younger people but now jobs are so scarce… I think younger people need to be given the chance whenever possible…
⚪️ Examiner: What are some of the important things a candidate should find out before accepting a job?
▫️Candidate: Well… you’d need to know about your area of responsibility… and your salary of course and then there are things like holiday entitlement … maternity or paternity leave… if you’re thinking of having children… and what the situation is regarding sick leave … that kind of thing…
⚪️ Examiner: What are the advantages of having your own business rather than working for someone else?
▫️Candidate: Well … unfortunately being an employee at the moment is very stressful … people have very heavy workloads … they’re always under pressure to meet deadlines … running your own business isn’t easy … but I do think it would be far more satisfying…