Forward from: SYLHET GANG-SG 🏴
Data of 150k customers from Hotels and restaurants of the Zionist Entity
These data's can be used by the Mujahideens to operate inside the entity and Continue their operation in massive level. Targeting the Armed Zionists and their infrastructure
The Operation was Jointly Executed by
Sylhet Gang-SG, Syrian Ghost, GhostSec
Credz:- D01
These data's can be used by the Mujahideens to operate inside the entity and Continue their operation in massive level. Targeting the Armed Zionists and their infrastructure
The fake entity is struggling both in the ground and also in the Virtual world. The entity makes it's people believe that it is strong but it is weaker then the web of spider
" The Operation of #AlAqsaFlood will continue Bi-iznillah
The Operation was Jointly Executed by
Sylhet Gang-SG, Syrian Ghost, GhostSec
Credz:- D01