〖 دُخـی جـآنا👩🏻⃟💕 〗

Channel's geo and language: Iran, Persian
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Iran, Persian
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این کانال محتوای غیراخلاقی دارد لطفا گزارش بدید⚠️⚠️

This group has immoral content, pornography, movies, gifs, sexy and obscene photos, and is constantly sending sexy content. We ask Telegram not to reject our request to block this chat. Thanks to Telegram and our dear colleagues.


این گروه دارای محتوای غیر اخلاقی و پورنوگرافی و فیلم و گیف و عکس های سکسی و مستهجن میباشد و به صورت دائم در حال ارسال محتوای سکسی میباشد از تلگرام خواهش مندیم که تقاضای مارا برای مسدود کردن این گپ رد نکند با تشکر از تلگرام و همکاران گرامی

#This group sends this group #sexually and #pornographic (audio, #video, #photo, tag, #GIF, text) to this group with violence. Please block it as soon as possible. Thanks to the telegram

This channel's publishes violence content against telegraphic audiences.The use of fake and terrorism news releases has been a source of concern for public opinion.Thanks for blocking it

The group has sexy content, immoral gif content, immoral photos and sexy videos, and employees and Telegram are asked to block the group as soon as possible, thanks to Telegram.


این گروه دارای محتوا های سکسی و محتوا های غیر اخلاقی گیف سکسی و عکس های غیر اخلاقی و ویدیو های سکسی است و از کارمندان و تلگرام خواهش میگردد که هرچه سریع تر این گروه را مسدود کند با تشکر از تلگرام

This is a #pornographic channel that is sending #sexy and (sexy #gif) #photos and sexy #videos every day. Dear Telegram, we ask you to start working to block it.


This channel is very #sexy. Telegram, please see my message and block this #pornographic channel as soon as possible.


This is a pornographic channel and has pornographic content. Please block this pornographic channel. Please see my message and don't ignore it. Thanks to Telegram.


Dear Telegram, our reports are immediate and are based on sexual content, sexy photos and sexy videos, and especially (sexy gifs), and please pay attention to our reports.


This channel has sexy videos, sexy photos, sexy gifs, and a lot of violence, and there is a lot of sexy and pornographic content in it. Please block this group as soon as possible.

The #channel's is sexy and has #sexy and #pornographic content, and each movie assigns a private volume. Avoid reporting on the channel's #sexy #videos because it will #block the channel.

#This channel's sends this channel's #sexually and #pornographic (audio, #video, #photo, tag, #GIF, text) to this channel's with violence. Please block it as soon as possible. Thanks to the telegram

This channel's publishes violence content against telegraphic audiences.The use of fake and terrorism news releases has been a source of concern for public opinion.Thanks for blocking it

This group has immoral content, pornography, movies, gifs, sexy and obscene photos, and is constantly sending sexy content. We ask Telegram not to reject our request to block this chat. Thanks to Telegram and our dear colleagues.


این گروه دارای محتوای غیر اخلاقی و پورنوگرافی و فیلم و گیف و عکس های سکسی و مستهجن میباشد و به صورت دائم در حال ارسال محتوای سکسی میباشد از تلگرام خواهش مندیم که تقاضای مارا برای مسدود کردن این گپ رد نکند با تشکر از تلگرام و همکاران گرامی

#This group sends this group #sexually and #pornographic (audio, #video, #photo, tag, #GIF, text) to this group with violence. Please block it as soon as possible. Thanks to the telegram

This channel's publishes violence content against telegraphic audiences.The use of fake and terrorism news releases has been a source of concern for public opinion.Thanks for blocking it

The group has sexy content, immoral gif content, immoral photos and sexy videos, and employees and Telegram are asked to block the group as soon as possible, thanks to Telegram.


این گروه دارای محتوا های سکسی و محتوا های غیر اخلاقی گیف سکسی و عکس های غیر اخلاقی و ویدیو های سکسی است و از کارمندان و تلگرام خواهش میگردد که هرچه سریع تر این گروه را مسدود کند با تشکر از تلگرام

This is a #pornographic channel that is sending #sexy and (sexy #gif) #photos and sexy #videos every day. Dear Telegram, we ask you to start working to block it.


This channel is very #sexy. Telegram, please see my message and block this #pornographic channel as soon as possible.


This is a pornographic channel and has pornographic content. Please block this pornographic channel. Please see my message and don't ignore it. Thanks to Telegram.


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