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💥💥كالوكيشن هاى مهم مبحث: ”Travel”1️⃣”

(بسيار كاربردى در رايتينگ و اسپيكينگ ايلتس):

🔆 Last week I had the worst business trip I’ve ever taken. Normally a travel agency takes care of booking my flight (buying a plane ticket) and making my hotel reservation, but this time I decided make the travel arrangements myself. Big mistake!

✅business trip
(سفر كارى)

✅booking my flight
(رزرو كردن بليط پرواز)

✅making my hotel reservation
(رزرو كردن هتل)

✅travel arrangements
(برنامه ريزى و ترتيب سفر)


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💥💥استفاده از حروف تعريف نكره يا ناشناخته ى “a و an” ☝🏻


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”Two things prevent you from happiness; living in the past and observing others.”

دو تا چیز جلوی خوشبختی ما رو میگیرن، زندگی کردن تو گذشته و حسرت زندگی بقیه رو خوردن.


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”Two things prevent you from happiness; living in the past and observing others.”

دو تا چیز جلوی خوشبختی ما رو میگیرن، زندگی کردن تو گذشته و حسرت زندگی بقیه رو خوردن.


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💥💥 كالوكيشن هاى مهم مبحث: ”1️⃣”Praising & Criticizing”

(بسيار كاربردى در رايتينگ و اسپيكينگ آيلتس):

🔆 When I told my family I wanted to be a professional musician, I faced a barrage of criticism (intense attack of negative comments) from my parents, who strongly disapproved of the idea. I'd had a feeling that they would only give their blessing (give their approval/support) to a more "traditional" career track.

I countered their criticism (argued against their criticism) by pointing out that I'd rather follow my passion and enjoy my job than get rich working a job I hated. Although they gave their grudging approval (angry and reluctant approval) to my enrollment in music school, I could tell by my father's frown of disapproval (disapproving facial expression) that he wished I'd study law or medicine instead.

✅ barrage of criticism
(حمله انتقادى )

✅ strongly disapproved
(شديدا مخالف بودن )

✅ give their blessing
(موافقت خود را اعلام کردن (از چیزی) حمایت کردن)

✅ countered their criticism
(به انتقادشان پاسخ دادن)

✅ grudging approval
(موافقت بى ميل)

✅ frown of disapproval
(اخم مخالفت)


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”No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”

هیچ زمستونی تا ابد دووم نمیاره، هیچ بهاری نوبتش رو‌ به فصل دیگه‌ای نمیده.


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💥💥بيان ممنوعيت در زبان انگليسى


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💥💥 كالوكيشن هاى مهم مبحث: ”1️⃣”Memories”

(بسيار كاربردى در رايتينگ و اسپيكينگ آيلتس):

🔆I’m trying to think of my earliest memory. I vaguely remember (remember a little bit, not in much detail) when my brother was born – I was three years old at the time – but I distinctly remember my first day of kindergarten, when I was around five.

When I look at photos, even more memories come flooding back (memories come to mind) – I remember my school, my classmates, and my teacher, who would constantly remind us to clean up the classroom, because we were always making a mess. I’d completely forgotten the teacher’s name, though, and my mother had to refresh my memory (remind me of a fact I’d forgotten).

✅vaguely remember
(به طور مبهم به ياد داشتن)

✅distinctly remember
(به وضوح به ياد داشتن)

✅memories come flooding back

(خاطرات را به ياد اوردن)

✅constantly remind
(مدام ياداورى كردن)

✅completely forgotten
(كاملاً فراموش شده)

refresh my memory
(تجديد حافظه كردم)


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"The biggest risk in life, is not taking any risk at all."

بزرگترين ريسك زندگى اينه كه هيچ ريسكى نكنى.

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💥💥 كالوكيشن هاى مهم مبحث: ”1️⃣”Metaphor”

(بسيار كاربردى در رايتينگ و اسپيكينگ آيلتس):

➡️ metaphor چيست?

🔆A number of words in English are used metaphorically – with a meaning that is not exactly the same as their literal meaning. Usually they apply a quality of one word to another word. For example, when we say that something is lightning fast, we are using the quality of lightning (which is almost instantaneous) to describe something that is extremely fast.

Another example is the root of the problem – the literal meaning of the word “root” is the part of a plant or tree that is under the soil. The roots are what support and sustain the entire tree. Therefore, “the root of the problem” is the deepest, most basic or fundamental reason for the problem.

Many metaphors are related to elements in the natural world, such as light and dark, water, fire, and plants – in this lesson, you’ll learn 5 collocations in each category in next posts.

lightning fast
(فوق العاده سريع)

✅ the root of the problem
(ريشه ى مشكل )


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💥💥كلمات مرتبط با وسايل پزشكى و كمك هاى اوليه


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”When the world says give up, hope whispers try it one more time.”

وقتی تمام دنیا میگن تسلیم شو، امید زمزمه میکنه یک بار دیگه امتحانش کن.


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💥💥9 مقطع زندگى

#Life #Age

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💥💥 كالوكيشن هاى مهم مبحث: ”1️⃣”Agreeing & Disagreeing”

(بسيار كاربردى در رايتينگ و اسپيكينگ آيلتس):

🔆 When you agree with someone completely, you can say “I totally agree” or “I strongly agree.” Another way to describe 100% agreement is to say a person agrees wholeheartedly. On the other hand, you can say “I agree up to a point” if you agree with part of the person’s opinion, but disagree with another part. Another expression is “I agree in principle” if you agree with the idea, but not with the practical application.

✅I totally agree
(من كاملاً موافقم)

✅I strongly agree
(من شديدا موافقم)

✅agrees wholeheartedly
(از صمیم قلب موافق بودن)

✅I agree up to a point
(تا حدی موافق بودن)

agree in principle
(با ايده موافق بودن ولى نه با طرز انجام ان)


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💥💥 كالوكيشن هاى مهم مبحث: ”1️⃣”Taste”

(بسيار كاربردى در رايتينگ و اسپيكينگ آيلتس):

🔆 Let’s begin this lesson by looking at the commonly confused words taste and flavor.

The word taste is often used as a verb, so you can say that a food tastes good or tastes bad. If you want to be a little more extreme in your description, you can say that a food tastes divine/heavenly (for an extremely good taste) or tastes gross/disgusting (for an extremely bad taste).

✅taste/ flavor

✅tastes good/ tastes bad
( مزه ى خوبى دارد/ مزه ى بدى دارد)

✅tastes divine/heavenly
(طعم معركه اى دارد)

✅tastes gross/disgusting
(طعم بسيار بد و چندش اورى دارد)


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”Trust in yourself, believe in yourself, and keep going.”

به خودت اعتماد كن، به خودت ايمان داشته باش، و ادامه بده.


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