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A separation always means a lot to people who love each other—with the right kind of love.

Albert Camus, The Misunderstanding

I was looked at, but I wasn't seen.

Albert Camus, The Misunderstanding

Then she drew the curtains down
And said, "Oh, when will you ever learn
That what happens there beyond the glass
Is simply none of your concern?
God has given you but one heart
You are not a home for the hearts of your brothers
And God don't care for your benevolence anymore
Than he cares for the lack of it in others
Nor does he care for you to sit
At windows in judgement of the world he created
While sorrows pile up around you
Ugly, useless and over-inflated"

She said, "Father, mother, sister, brother
Uncle, aunt, nephew, niece
Soldier, sailor, physician, labourer
Actor, scientist, mechanic, priest
Earth and moon and sun and stars
And planets and comets with tails blazing
All are there forever falling
Falling lovely and amazing"

#Australian #AlternativeRock #ArtRock #ChamberPop #SingerSongwriter #2000s (2001)


Pain everywhere, in my chest, in my legs and arms. Even my skin is raw, my head is buzzing, I feel like vomiting. But worst of all is this queer taste in my mouth. Not blood, or death, or fever, but a mixture of all three. I've only to stir my tongue, and the world goes black, and everyone looks... horrible.

Albert Camus, Caligula

Really, this world of ours, the scheme of things as they call it, is quite intolerable. That's why I want the moon, or happiness, or eternal life—something, in fact, that may sound crazy, but which isn't of this world.

Albert Camus, Caligula

My romantic gene is dominant
And it hungers for union
Universal intimacy
All embracing.

#Icelandic #ArtPop #AvantPop #Electronic #Ambient #Glitch #2010s (2011)


Varda by Agnès (Agnès Varda, 2019)

Jacques was still alive, but very ill. I loved him and wanted to be as close as possible, help him as much as I could. In film terms, that meant extreme close-ups.

Agnès Varda on filming her husband, Jacques Demy, for Jacquot de Nantes (1991), a film about his childhood and early love of cinema.

You don't have to pretend
I know that love for you was just security
There's no part of me in you.

#British #ProgressiveRock #BritishProg #ArtRock #Ambient #Electronic #2010s (2011)


‏این خونه برای من یادآور درست‌نشدنه. هر چیزی که مابین دیوارهاش وجود و جریان داره بی‌وقفه این حقیقت رو به خورد روانم می‌ده که همه‌چیز فقط و فقط قراره بدتر بشه. هیچ بهبود و گشایشی در کار نیست، همه‌ش فرورفتنه.

بزرگترین نفرین و نعمت من قلبمه.

تنم به تن هیچکس چفت نمی‌شه. شکل هیچ قالبی رو نمی‌گیرم.

مامان گفت: «زندگی با دیگران قشنگه. تنها که می‌شی، دیگه هیچی باقی نمی‌مونه.»
دیگران معمولا نمی‌ذارن همچین باوری داشته باشم مامان. همون‌طور که خود تو رو نذاشتن. الان صرفا تنهایی و دلتنگی پوستت رو نازک کرده، همون‌طور که بارها و بارها پوست من رو.

Nothing means anything to anyone anymore, and that sickens me.

You people kill only for pleasure
You have no need and yet
You cannot seem to stop
You murder each other for enjoyment only,
and with absurd, abstract excuses
My God,
how you disgust me!

#British #AlternativeRock #GothicRock #SpokenWord #DarkCabaret #2010s (2014)


Padlock the door and board the windows
Put the people in the street
"It's just my job," he says "I'm sorry"
And draws a check, goes home to eat
But at night he tells his woman
"I know I hide behind the laws"
She says, "You're only taking orders"
That's how every empire falls.

#British #Folk #FolkRock #AlternativeFolk #2010s (2011)

#Cover (of RB Morris' song of the same name)


همه‌ی ممکن‌ها رو ناممکن کردی. این گناه‌ترین گناه توئه.

#Swedish #British #ProgressiveRock #ProgressiveFolk #SwedishProg #BritishProg #Ambient #Experimental #2010s (2012)


همیشه اولین واکنشم نسبت به ظلم ناباوریه. هیچوقت باورم نمی‌شه چیزی به این شومی و سیاهی واقعیه و حقیقت داره. هر قدر که زندگیش می‌کنم، باز هم پسش می‌زنم. کل دنیام زیرش دفن می‌شه و همچنان باورش نمی‌کنم.

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