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مدیریت کانال👇👇
مرکز آموزش گرامر ماریا
🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

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🛡برترین کانالهای آموزشی vip امشب تقدیم شما عزیزان می‌کنم
#پربازدیدترین_کانالها و #پرطرفدارترین_ها رو پست کنم 😍
پس اگر خاص پسند هستید لیست امشب از دست نده 🔥


❗️کانال #ویژه امشب👇👇
❎️ جمله سازی انگلیسی در ۳۰ جلسه با روش نقطه چین🇬🇧

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How I got 8.0 on IELTS? by Darian Sandmartin

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

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IELTS Reading 9.0 by Darian Sandmartin

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

⛔️⛔️Common mistakes

❌ Don't say: When I will arrive, I will call you.
✅ Say: When I arrive, I will call you.

❌ Don't say: My husband has got a new work.
✔ Say: My husband has got a new job. (or just "has a new job")

❌ Don't say: She doesn’t listen me.
✔ Say: She doesn’t listen to me.

❌ Don't say: You speak English good.
✔ Say: You speak English well.

✔ Say: Bravery is a great virtue.

❌ Don't say: The police is coming.
✔ Say: The police are coming.

❌ Don't say: The house isn’t enough big.
✔ Say: The house isn’t big enough.

❌ Don't say: You should not to smoke.
✔ Say: You should not smoke.

❌ Don't say: Do you like a glass of milk?
✔ Say: Would you like a glass of milk?

❌ Don't say: I didn’t meet nobody.
✔ Say: I didn’t meet anybody.

❌ Don't say: My flight departs in 5:00 am.
✔️ Say: My flight departs at 5:00 am.

❌ Don't say: I promise I call you next week.
✔ Say: I promise I’ll call you next week.

❌ Don't say: Where is post office?
✔ Say: Where is the post office?

Wear vs Put on
❌ Don't say: Kathy always puts on black shoes.
✔ Say: Kathy always wears black shoes.

❌ Don't say: I wear my clothes in the morning.
✔ Say: I put on my clothes in the morning

❌ Don't say: We studied during four hours.
✔ Say: We studied for four hours.

❌ Don't say: How many childrens you have?
✔️ Say: How many children do you have?

❌ Don't say: My brother has 10 years.
✔️ Say: My brother is 10 (years old).

❌ Don't say: I want eat now.
✔️ Say: I want to eat now.

❌ Don't say: You are very nice, as your mother.
✔️Say: You are very nice, like your mother.

❌ Don't say: She said me that she saw you.
✔️ Say: She told me that she saw you.

❌ Don't say: My husband engineer.
✔️ Say: My husband is an engineer.

❌ Don't say: I came Australia to study English.
✔️ Say: I came to Australia to study English.

❌ Don't say: It is more hot now.
✔️ Say: It’s hotter now.

❌ Don't say: Can you give me an information?
✔️ Say: Can you give me some information?

❌ Don't say: "They cooked the dinner themself."
✔️ Say: "They cooked the dinner themselves."

❌ Don't say: Me and Johnny live here.
✔️Say: Johnny and I live here.

❌ Don't say: I closed very quietly the door.
✔️ Say: I closed the door very quietly.

❌ Don't say: You like talk to me?
✔️ Say: Would you like to talk to me?

❌ Don't say: If I will be in London, I will contact to you.
✔️ Say: If I am in London, I will contact you.

❌ Don't say: We drive usually to home.
✔️ Say: We usually drive home.

ﺍﯾﻦ ﻣﺎﺷﯿﻦ ﺑﺮﺍﯼ ۶ ﻧﻔﺮ ﺟﺎ ﺩﺍﺭﻩ.ﺗﻮ ﺟﻤﻠﻪ ﻫﺎﯼ ﺍﯾﻦ ﻣﺪﻟﯽ ﮐﻪ ﺩﺭ ﺍﻧﮕﻠﯿﺴﯽ ﻣﻨﻈﻮﺭ ﻫﻤﻮﻥ ﺻﻨﺪﻟﯽ ﻫﺴﺘﺶ ﺩﻗﺖ ﺩﺍﺷﺘﻪ ﺑﺎﺷﯿﻦ ﮐﻪ ﺍﺯ ﮐﻠﻤﻪ SEAT ﻣﯿﺘﻮﻧﯿﺪ ﺑﻪ ﻋﻨﻮﺍﻥ ﻓﻌﻞ ﻫﻢ ﺍﺳﺘﻔﺎﺩﻩ ﮐﻨﯿﺪ ﻭ ﺍﯾﻦ ﻣﻌﻨﯽ ﺭﻭ ﺑﺮﺳﻮﻧﯿﺪ.
🌹This car seats 6 people !

ﺍﯾﻦ ﺳﺒﮏ ﺧﯿﻠﯽ ﺑﻬﺘﺮ ﺍﺯ ﺍﯾﻨﻪ ﮐﻪ ﺑﺨﻮﺍﯾﻦ ﺑﻪ ﺻﻮﺭﺕ amature ﺑﮕﯿﻦ
🌹This car has 6 seats for 6.

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋


(in a moment / at the moment )


🌹My father is in the U.S.A at the moment.
پدرم هم اکنون درآمریکابه سرمی برد.

🌹I’ll be with you in a moment.
تاچنددقیقه دیگه پیش توخواهم بود.

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

🌈Joking aside, these sunglasses don't suit you at all.

🌤از شوخی گذشته, این عینک آفتابی اصلا و ابدا بهت نمی آد.

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋


معنای عبارت
by + reflexivepronouns

عبارت by myself به معنای «خودم به تنهایی» است. این ساختار، یعنی by + reflexive pronoun می‌تواند به همین معنا برای سایر ضمیرهای انعکاسی نیز همین معنا را داشته باشد.
🌹I used to live by myself.
من قبلا تنهایی زندگی می‌کردم

He climbed the mountain by himself.
«او به تنهایی کوه را در نوردید.
🦋 @grammarfad 🦋


کاربرد فعل Enjoy و فعل‌های شبیه آن
برخی از افعل معمولا با ضمیر انعکاسی همراه می‌شوند. فعل enjoy یکی از این‌هاست👇
🌹I enjoyed myself at the party.
من از مهمانی لذت بردم. یا به بیان دقیق‌تر از (اوقاتِ) خودم در مهمانی لذت بردم.
🌹Alex sent me a picture from his trip. He seems to be enjoying himself.
الکس از سفرش برای من عکسی فرستاد. به نظر می‌رسد در حال لذت بردن است.
🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

Special IELTS:



📕 کاربرد Yet در انگلیسی

1⃣ برای نشان دادن اینکه چیزی اتفاق نیفتاده است، اما ممکن است در آینده اتفاق بیفتد:

✅"I haven't finished my work yet."
"من هنوز کارم را تمام نکرده ام."

2⃣برای نشان دادن اینکه چیزی تا یک مقطع زمانی خاص اتفاق نیفتاده است:

✅"Has he arrived yet?"
"آیا او هنوز رسیده است؟"

3⃣برای تاکید بر یک جمله که اغلب با جملات منفی استفاده می شود:

✅"I haven't seen that movie yet, but I really want to."
من هنوز آن فیلم را ندیده ام، اما واقعاً می خواهم.

4⃣برای نشان دادن اینکه چیزی غافلگیرکننده یا غیرمنتظره است:

✅"He's only been playing for a year, yet he's already a very skilled musician."
او فقط یک سال است که می نوازد، اما در حال حاضر یک نوازنده بسیار ماهر است.

5⃣برای بیان تضاد یا مخالفت با عبارت قبلی:

✅"I don't like spicy food, yet I love Mexican cuisine."
"من غذاهای تند را دوست ندارم، با این حال من عاشق غذاهای مکزیکی هستم."

🔺به طور کلی، "yet" برای افزودن معنی یا تاکید بیشتر به جمله استفاده می شود و می تواند در زمینه های مختلف استفاده شود.

🔷 @Grammarfad
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🔷 @Grammarfad
🔷 @Grammarfad
🔷 @Grammarfad
🔷 @Grammarfad
🔷 @Grammarfad
🔷 @Grammarfad


✅هرگاه بعد از حرف C یکی از حروف صدادار A,I,Y قرار گیرد ، حرف C صدای "س" فارسی را می دهد.👇
سینما Cinema

✅اگر حرف دیگری جز A,I,Y باشد،صدای "ک" می دهد. 👇
دکتر Doctor

✅بعد از حرف m،حرف b خوانده نمی شود.👇👇
شانه Comb /بره Lamb

✅پیش از حرف n حرف k خوانده نمی شود.👇👇
زانو Knee /دانستن Know

✅حرف l در ترکیبات alf,alk,alm,olk خوانده نمی شود.👇👇
گردش کردن Walk /گوساله Calf

✅بعد از حرف s حرف t خوانده نمی شود.به خصوص در ترکیبات Sten و Stle حرف t خوانده نمی شود.👇👇
دژ Castle / بستن Fasten
🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

⛔️✅اشتباهات رایج

⛔️Praise for her
✅Praise her
تحسینش کنید.
⛔️clap to him
✅clap him
براش دست بزنید.
⛔️applaud for him
✅applaud him
تشویقش کنید.
⛔️Thank for you
✅Thank you
ازت ممنونم.
⛔️I respect for him
✅I respect him
برات احترام قائلم.
⛔️Pray to him
✅Pray him
براش دعا کنید.
⛔️Greet for them
✅Greet them
درود به آنها
⛔️Speak for her
✅Speak her
براش حرف بزن
⛔️Congratulate for him
✅Congratulate him
بهش تبریک بگو
⛔️Write for him
✅Write him
براش بنویس

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

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How I got 8.0 on IELTS? by Darian Sandmartin

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

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IELTS Reading 9.0 by Darian Sandmartin

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

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How to learn and remember vocabulary

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

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Writing Task 2 Advice

British council

🦋 @grammarfad 🦋

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