10) #intolerable /ɪnˈtɑːlərəbəl/
(adj.) difficult or painful to experience; not able to accept different ways of thought or behavior
(syn.) unbearable /ʌnˈberəbəl/
(n.) intolerance
(adj.) intolerant
(adv.) intolerably; intolerantly
مثال ها👇👇
a. Any opposition to the rules is intolerable.
b. His boss was intolerant of his tardiness.
🔸 @coding_toefl 🔸
(adj.) difficult or painful to experience; not able to accept different ways of thought or behavior
(syn.) unbearable /ʌnˈberəbəl/
(n.) intolerance
(adj.) intolerant
(adv.) intolerably; intolerantly
مثال ها👇👇
a. Any opposition to the rules is intolerable.
b. His boss was intolerant of his tardiness.
🔸 @coding_toefl 🔸