
Channel's geo and language: Iran, Persian
Category: Telegram

Telegram client for Desktop and Android with ghost mode.
Reuploads without explicit permission are restricted. Ask in chat first.
Chat: @ayugramchat
Sources: github.com/AyuGram

Maintained with ❤️ by Radolyn Labs.

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Iran, Persian
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⚠️ Не входите в чужие аккаунты iCloud на iPhone!

AyuGram нельзя скачать на iOS через App Store. Если вы войдете в чужой аккаунт iCloud - у вас удалённо заблокируют устройство и потребуют заплатить большую сумму за разблокировку.

На данный момент установить AyuGram на iPhone нельзя никаким способом. Релизной версии ещё не существует.

Пользуясь случаем:
• восстановить удалённые переписки в Telegram никак нельзя.
• вы никак не можете посмотреть, что печатает вам собеседник в реальном времени.
• получить Telegram Premium через "самолётики" или каким-либо ещё образом бесплатно - нельзя.
не переходите в ботов из тиктока; не качайте из них ничего - вас обманут - либо на подписки, либо дадут вредоносное ПО.
• AyuGram - это бесплатный клиент; если вы за него заплатили - вас обманули.

Не забывайте кидать жалобы на подобные тиктоки.

Скачивайте клиент только из официального источника - из чата @ayugramchat.
Последний релиз на Android: https://t.me/ayugramchat/1238
Последний релиз на ПК: https://t.me/ayugramchat/12788
Последний релиз exteraGram: https://t.me/exteraGramCI

Просим распространить информацию, так как попалось уже немаленькое количество людей.

Если сделаете тикток с этой информацией - будет ещё лучше.

This post is primarily for the RU TikTok community that is being scammed for the iPhone version.
TLDR; don't login into unknown Apple ID accounts on your iPhone.

436k 7 6.7k 7.4k

1.3m 0 576 15.2k

🎄 Happy New Year 🌟

Thank you for continued support. 😀

We have nothing more to say except one thing — let's hope Telegram won't become over monetized in the next year.

☃️ Regardless, stay safe & have fun~

1.3m 1 441 8.6k

💜 iPhone poll

Those of you who use iPhone can vote 'https://t.me/ayugramchat/1/102725' rel='nofollow'>here for the first option. If we get enough Apple 🍏 users, maybe there will be AyuGram4iOS 😚

1.3m 0 1.5k 11.7k

💜 💜💜💜

Long time no posting! just 2 months ago there was 200 subscribers, and now here's 1k! That's incredible.

If you're new here, we're posting APK and EXE files on the our AyuGram forum. Make sure to join and enable notifications on desired topics.
Right now, there's a new version for Android, and for PC.


1.1m 2 4.6k 3.7k


Don't use autoupdate & disable it in the settings (Settings->Advanced->Update Automatically). We forgot to cut off this check 😢

If there's nothing about autoupdate in the settings, then just ignore it.

🔥 By the way, thanks for 200 subscribers! 🔥


Download here. Actually, if you want to receive updates more often, you can join our chat and turn on notifications on the Android channel. We publish betas here.

We built this version from scratch, modifying source code more less, which means less bugs.

👀 If you're coming from any other release, it's recommended to do a clean install or wipe local database in the settings at least before installing this one.
There's no migration between them. You'll loose your messages' history.

Note regarding edits history for messages with multiple documents. You can view its history by clicking on the empty space near the file. It'll show history exactly for that file.

Please note that we focus on ghost mode & messages history. It means that any other functionality unlikely to be implemented in the near future.

• Changed app icon
• You can view message history for deleted messages
• Removed useless WAL mode
• Cleaned up Telegraher's deleted messages, we're using our own now
• Added translations for ru, uk (author), es (author), pt-BR (author)
• Something else probably, check messages in the topic

847.9k 9 1.2k 1.2k


🌐 btw, we created a project at Crowdin, you can now translate strings to your language / suggest better ones

more useful message history soon™
this time with media & document saving and handy viewer

🔥 Thanks for 100 subscribers! 🔥

Glad to see that the client is useful for all of you 💃

🔥 Uhh, well, since we're getting some attention, it's time to settle some things down!

First of all, if you don't trust builds - just go and build it by yourself, the sources are open, don't express yourself like "Ohhhh, so you're gonna steal my session, I saw your weird repos!".

Secondly, regarding Android client, I'm not claiming to be the person who developed some functionality. If you want to see credits - look at the README and the commits history, I'm specifying the person who created something initially.

Thirdly, the main features that I'm trying to provide in AyuGram are ghost mode and messages history. Since I'm not a Java/C++ master and don't have enough time to master them, I'm not going to implement major features that somehow affect tons of files or lines of code. If you want to, and ready to maintain it, pull requests are open for you.

And, make sure to read this message.

💬 AyuGram

🟢 Windows/Linux version:
• Based on stock Telegram
• Fully configurable ghost mode
• Fully configurable messages history

🔴 Android version:
• Based on exteraGram with patches from Telegraher
• Fully configurable ghost mode
• Fully configurable messages history


If you download the Android version, make sure you download it from the topic. If you download it from obscure sources, blame yourself.

All AyuGram versions compiled with official API keys, which means they pretend to be official ones.
That way, Telegram can't block my app_id & app_hash on their side.

🌐 If you have any issues - welcome to the chat.
‼️ There's no auto updates. Please turn on notifications on our forum.
⚡️ Downloads available in our chat.

630.9k 0 7.5k 2.1k

Current features as of 4.3.1:

• Disable sending of read packets
• Disable sending of online packets
• Instant offline after online
• Disable typing & upload progress
• Use of scheduled messages to keep offline
• Keeping messages history (edits & deleted)
• Disable Telegram ads (proxy not included tho)

15 last posts shown.