Doubts during prayer?🔸If you doubt which raka’at you are in during the sobh or maghrib prayer, your prayer is invalid and you must repeat it!
🔸The following applies to the other prayers (dhuhr, asr and isha):
- If you doubt whether you are in the first or second raka’at, the prayer is invalid
- If you doubt whether you are in the second or third raka’at?
- If the doubt occurs before you start the second sujood, your prayer is invalid
- If the doubt occurs during the second sujood or after, there is a solution: “ (Salat al-ihtiyat).
🔸This is an extra raka’at that you must perform immediately after your prayer.
- First, assume that you are in the third raka’at (because you are doubting between two and three). Finish your prayer. Then you stand up immediately after you have finished the tasleem and do this raka’at. You stand up, say Allahu akbar and read surat al-fatihah.
🔹Note: you do not read a second soerat in this case. After this you do what you are used to (rukuh’, two sujoed, tashahod and tasleem).
🔸If you are in doubt between the third and fourth raka’at, then you also do the above-mentioned extra raka’at. Here it does not matter when the doubt was (so before or after the second sujoed). Now you assume that you are in the fourth raka’at.
🔸If you accidentally do the tashahod in the first raka’at or in the third raka’at (before dhuhr, asr and isha), then there is also a solution: “سجود االسهو” (
Sajdah al-sahw). These are two sujoods that you should do immediately after your prayer (so immediately after the tasleem you do two sujoods). During each of the two sujoods you recite the following:
“بسم الله و بالله، السلام عليك أيها النبي و رحمة الله و بركاته”
Bismillahi wa billahi Assalaamu alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu wa rahrnatullahi wa barakatuh.
- After the two sujoeds, you repeat the tashahod and tasleem.
🔸This is also a solution if you accidentally say something in the prayer that is not part of the prayer or if you forget a part of a surah that you are working on. This solution is a way to compensate for mistakes during the prayer.
🔸Sajdah al-sahw is wajib when:
1. One has talked by mistake in prayer; or
2. Has left one sajdah by mistake; or
3. Has forgotten tashahhud by mistake; or
4. Has recited salaam by mistake at a wrong place; or
5. Has added or omitted by mistake any such thing which is not rukn; or
6. In the 4-rak’at prayer has doubt after the second sajdah whether it was the fourth or the fifth rak’at.
🔸If you suddenly cannot remember whether you have performed a certain prayer, then repeat this prayer as long as the time of this prayer is running. So if you start doubting at 3:00 PM whether you have performed the dhuhr and asr prayer, then perform them again. If the time of the prayer is over, then you do not have to repeat the prayer.