دوستان گل این گپ ارزشی گزارش یزنید بسته شه دمتون گرم
سه نقطه بزنید این سه تا متن کپی کنید به صورت جدا
Hi: These channels and groups that have been reported are intense pornographic content. The groups and channels broadcast the user's photos and contacts and disrupt the users of the telegram. These groups include videos, photos and GIFs, and immoral chats and pornography. Please block the channel and group as soon as possible
Thank you.
This channel of corrupt content, and the release of film and video, , pornography and immorality. It is strongly recommended to block ..
Please be more diligent in blocking these obscene issues. Thanks
Channel porngraphy
The following channel is misusing the photos of people's phone numbers and describing women and girls as impure and dirty creatures and insulting all women and girls. This has made many people unhappy with this.
And it even caused them to leave Telegram. Please block this channel that abuses people's personal information
گزارش خشونت :
گزارش پورن
لینک چنلش سپس برین توی گپش : @FatehMedia_ir
سه نقطه بزنید این سه تا متن کپی کنید به صورت جدا
Hi: These channels and groups that have been reported are intense pornographic content. The groups and channels broadcast the user's photos and contacts and disrupt the users of the telegram. These groups include videos, photos and GIFs, and immoral chats and pornography. Please block the channel and group as soon as possible
Thank you.
This channel of corrupt content, and the release of film and video, , pornography and immorality. It is strongly recommended to block ..
Please be more diligent in blocking these obscene issues. Thanks
Channel porngraphy
The following channel is misusing the photos of people's phone numbers and describing women and girls as impure and dirty creatures and insulting all women and girls. This has made many people unhappy with this.
And it even caused them to leave Telegram. Please block this channel that abuses people's personal information
گزارش خشونت :
گزارش پورن
لینک چنلش سپس برین توی گپش : @FatehMedia_ir