🔖All You Need to Master IDOR: A Complete Resource Guide
⬇️GitHub Repositories
📱 Awesome-Bugbounty-Writeups - IDOR
📱 HackerOne Reports - Top IDOR
📱 HackerOneReports - IDOR
⬇️Critical/Highest bounty through IDOR Vulnerability
🖤 IDOR - how to predict an identifier? Bug bounty case study
🖤 $5,000 YouTube IDOR - Bug Bounty Reports Explained
🖤 $28k IDOR that broke Apple Shortcuts - Apple bug bounty
⬇️All possible parameters for IDOR and real life examples of each
🖤 Bug Bounty Hunting for IDORs - Part-I
🖤 Bug Bounty Hunting for IDORs - Part-II
🖤 Bug Bounty Hunting for IDORs - Part-III
📕 Bug Bounty Bootcamp - By Vickie Li
#BugBounty #Recon #BugBountyTips #CyberSecurity #Infosec #Reconnaissance #IDOR
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💬 Channel : @Hide_Club
⬇️GitHub Repositories
All these GitHub Repositories contains 1000+ Hackerone reports to read from which you can learn how bug bounty hunters did recon to find IDOR Vulnerability, I suggest read atleast 300 reports to get your own unique perspective on IDOR Vulnerability.
📱 Awesome-Bugbounty-Writeups - IDOR
📱 HackerOne Reports - Top IDOR
📱 HackerOneReports - IDOR
⬇️Critical/Highest bounty through IDOR Vulnerability
🖤 IDOR - how to predict an identifier? Bug bounty case study
🖤 $5,000 YouTube IDOR - Bug Bounty Reports Explained
🖤 $28k IDOR that broke Apple Shortcuts - Apple bug bounty
⬇️All possible parameters for IDOR and real life examples of each
🖤 Bug Bounty Hunting for IDORs - Part-I
🖤 Bug Bounty Hunting for IDORs - Part-II
🖤 Bug Bounty Hunting for IDORs - Part-III
📕 Bug Bounty Bootcamp - By Vickie Li
#BugBounty #Recon #BugBountyTips #CyberSecurity #Infosec #Reconnaissance #IDOR
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💬 Channel : @Hide_Club