The Advice of Shaykh Rabīʿ Bin Hādī Regarding Tawḥīd, Sincerity, Taqwā, Unity and Brotherhood (2013)
And you must build brotherly union in [all affairs] between yourselves, go hand in hand (with each other to achieve unity), and cooperate upon righteousness and piety and (you must) keep far away from separation all of its causes. The person who comes to the Salafi Daʿwah must adopt this methodology, he should keep away from all the ways that kindle differences and separation.
There are some people who stir up the causes of separation, they stir up tribulations and thereby tear up the Salafis, rupturing them [into pieces]. This is not from the correct methodology, and nor from the Salafi way, and nor from the methodology of the Ṣaḥābah and Tābiʿīn. Some people (deliberately) seek out and find ways which split and tear apart. Such people are not to be trusted with respect to the dīn of Allāh, the Blessed and Exalted...
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And you must build brotherly union in [all affairs] between yourselves, go hand in hand (with each other to achieve unity), and cooperate upon righteousness and piety and (you must) keep far away from separation all of its causes. The person who comes to the Salafi Daʿwah must adopt this methodology, he should keep away from all the ways that kindle differences and separation.
There are some people who stir up the causes of separation, they stir up tribulations and thereby tear up the Salafis, rupturing them [into pieces]. This is not from the correct methodology, and nor from the Salafi way, and nor from the methodology of the Ṣaḥābah and Tābiʿīn. Some people (deliberately) seek out and find ways which split and tear apart. Such people are not to be trusted with respect to the dīn of Allāh, the Blessed and Exalted...
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